self perception - poem
#1 of poetry collection poem no. 1 if only i could show you if only you could see if only you knew i want you to believe you are better than whatyou know what you think and see better than the self you perceive to be
A great weekend
Little john moves his tongue inside the woman with slowness, he perceives the aroma of the white fur of the woman in his nose.
First glances and first time
Little john does not move and he keeps his mouth in place, he moves his tongue perceiving the taste of the juices that stem from the inside. they are different to the ones of his mother, he continues moving his tongue perceiving the internal texture.
Sunken City
None of the individuals of the procession perceive the canines and thus ignore them as they go past. both canines recognize one of the meant being tortured thusly is an old enemy: admiral edward farquad.
Marian's and Robin's liberation
Her hand moves up and down slowly to perceive it with care, her hand gets to the knot, she looks at it with surprise and begins to examine it.
The bonding of two brothers
The precum is savored by arlen, he does not find it disagreeable and with his tongue lick again from up to down on the erection perceiving the taste of the hard meat.
Grandpa comes to stay
He immediately sucks his father's penis with eager, a great part of the member fills his mouth, and his tongue touches the hard meat perceiving its special taste.
Little john moans when the woman begins to suck his penis, she moves her head rapidly perceiving the spurts of precum on her tongue.
The celebration Eryn's POW
She closes her eyes some moments and recovers forces while her ears perceives the growling and moans of pleasure to her around.
Canine Contest
He nods while he raises his ear to try perceiving some sound more. the two pups do the same thing, but they only perceive honks and people showing their bother by what happens.
The Prisoner
Forced to perceive, forced to feel what you want me to. enough. i'm done cowering in your shadow, hiding from what you force me to see while i sleep in your cage she's mine. you will not use her, i won't allow you. she shall not be your tool.
Poem: Freedom
The freedom to choose is merely perceived your choices in fact have been made, upon the eve of a midnight of nights, many nights ago at a round table, full of corperates, ready to go at a marketing ploy to raise your rates and to make you look at those