ChocolatEel! - A Sweet Story (Illustrated by LordSnape, WhiteMantis & UndyingSong)

Similarly, the bumpy surface of her tail appeared almost akin to a bounty of blueberries, the smooth, cerulean, semi-spherical scales coated her from waist to fin. said fin was a paler, powder blue, and formed by four points.

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Go with the Flow

He continued rubbing every bit of her body, going from fin to fin, sliding along her magnificent tail, dipping one or two fingers inside her slit. he wasn't sure if ava understood words as well as her dolphin cousins, yet chris continued speaking.

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Mer Made

"that huge sack of shark fins. there are more fins than sharks in your hull. so, i guess that means you have been catching mutant sharks- who somehow have more fins than they are supposed to, right?" "y'know, my men aren't so good with counting.

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Violet Enterprises: Brionne's Bet

Bubbles huffed, his fins flattening fully.

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Lunch Break

A certain level of professionalism was exhibited by the large finned reptile, for he never swallowed at any point.

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The Alley Fights Back

Nevertheless, i splayed my pectoral fins straight out to cut against the force of the waves; my tail began to pump in overtime with little forward movement. "isthia!" she was gone.

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Code of Dishonor: Seven Seas

More spines filled out from the center, spreading his ear into a fin like web. as laurence's ears grew into fins, the pink faded from the flesh, transitioning to a royal blue at the tips.

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Into the Deep

His belly was completely covered, smooth and slender now, and he could feel the beginnings of another fin, obvious from the sudden new sense of control in it, forming behind him. the shark rubbed against him slowly, curling his tail to rub fins.

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Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones

They have large ear fins, that can be used to intercept long distance sounds. and large back fins, two for the wolf shaped, and three for the dragons, with a middle one being larger.

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Seahorse Placoderms

In derived taxa the pectoral fins became the dominant propulsion mechanism while the tail lost its fin and became prehensile. like in most placoderms they were viviparous, the females giving birth to a few large pups.

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Two Peas In a Pod

Where was clesny's dorsal fin? jodden's eyes flew open, realizing that bacall had pulled his sister even further into his mouth, her fin disappearing inside the beast's wide maw.

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