The Birds and the Buis
He rode out his orgasm with his beak ajar and tongue lolling to the side -- dangerous for a sharp beak, but he didn't care.
Cursed Coupling
He gripped her thick, lavender mane, thrusting into her eager beak. he'd been a little reluctant to accept oral from kiki before, he was terrified that her beak would harm him.
Gryphon's Prey: Part 2: Consequences
Moving her paw, she closed her beak around his knot and groaned as her talons kneaded the bedsheets. aniki patted her head and trisa took the command, pulling her beak and throat off his cock with a gasp as she panted heavily.
Birds of a Feather: 03 - Liberate
Once i was beak tip to beak tip with her once again, and staring straight into her lazy-smile ridden face, i finally began to tell her the truth.
The Fourth Guard
The little pomeranian tilted her head up to lick along his beak, trailing beneath the beak before she moved one of her paws down to brush along the tip of his shaft.
Scavenger's Feast
The bird's beak was half-open and it's eyes lidded as it enjoyed the grooming.
A Hen's First Heat is Hardest
But trust me, you do not want to get your beak involved for your first time. not with me. the tongue was nice, feel free to use that more; but no beak, not until you've had a bit more practice."
Lord of the Manor
I opened my beak to cry out and was silenced. beak-like jaws closed against my own, and before i could form a thought, i felt something intensely hot and slippery slither into my beak.
A chance encounter
The raptor rolled a little, closing her legs and pushing his beak away, rolling about so that she was on her belly, nuzzling past his beak and along her chest, under one of his wings.
Exploring New Territory
His arms wrap around the cetacian and hold him firmly, his head coming down to kiss the open beak passionately and feed him a thick, powerful tongue. schwert chitters and whines freely, surrendering his beak to the aggressive tongue.
A Tale of Dragons part 24
His eyes widened and he gave a soft gulp, beak agape just slightly at the scene before him.
A Gryphon's Tail, Part II
She took care not to nick or pinch the meat with the sharper tip of her beak, but instead slid it into her maw from the side where the edges of her beak were softer - that was how gryphons made facial expressions, after all.