Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 5
In spite of the six security cameras trained around the dance floor and the stage, Desmond slipped by them all without detection. He had every reason to know where they faced: he was the one oversaw their placement. And though he was well within his...
FPP Side Chapter: Dogsitting
Marjani was still pretty surprised about where he was. Strip clubs just weren't the kind of places he went, at least not openly, and that was what he was then and there: open. He was dressed comfortably, with his blue jeans and well-loved leather...
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 6
"Come _o-o-on,"_ Bonnie cooed, feeling between Desmond's legs. "One more time." Desmond pushed his thighs together, trapping the bunny's demure blue paw. It was no deterrent to a strong animatronic, and he went on fondling Desmond. "You're getting...
FPP Side Chapter: Birthday with Mangle
Tracy kept close to his father and cut a skittish rhythm with his hooves. He was very uncomfortable, and if he had had his way, he would have been at home, keeping to himself - but father had other ideas. It was Tracy's eighteenth birthday and that...
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 4
"Hey, _idiota!_ You coming by or what?" Desmond looked up at the clock. 6 PM, give or take on his uncertain analog clock, but the fact that one of the animatronics was chiding him meant it was probably five or ten minutes after. The young man...
FPP Side Chapter: Field Research
An establishment with advanced, lifelike animatronics sounded too good to be true to somebody like Dashy. A scientist by trade, a nerd by choice, he took great interest in most things technological and the broad spectrum of theoretical sciences....
FPP Side Chapter: No Experience, No Problem
Without being dared, Annabelle would have never entered the red light district, let alone one of the strip clubs along it. Her friends wanted her to go into the weirdest club of them all. Its name was blasted down to the street in pink neon, and even a...
FPP Side Chapter: Rabbit Hole
Drained bottles of rum dotted the table like glass figurines. Snaked through the rows were a pair of lacy red panties. A paper plate with a cold, half-eaten slice of pizza loomed near the table's edge, and the distinct mark of a rodent's overbite was...
FPP Side Chapter: Chicken Choker
Most who went to _Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy_ were either trying to satisfy morbid curiosity, or they harbored at least a little shame. Junn was an unusual fringe by going to the club with an open mind and a desire purely for a good time. He read about...
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 7
--1 _Hey, mom. I figured I'd send a letter to let you know how I've been doing. I know you like to spend as little time on the computer as you can. I would have called you but it's so hard to find the time. Things always need my attention around here....
Freddy Pimpbear's Pussy: Chapter 8
--1 "Is it anything like you expected?" "I... don't exactly know yet." Desmond followed the sensitive bounces of his multimeter. The pathways in an animatronic's brain were incredibly resilient in many ways, but terribly fragile when exposed to the...
FPP Side Chapter: Pony Ride
"Arr, lad! Ol' Foxy, she ain't 'ad 'erself any horsey meat since th' _Splinter'd Mast_ last saw bright 'n blue seas!" Ricky was floored by the place. He tried to think of the chain of events which had led him to the vibrantly-named and -staffed...