No Alpha...
Yer no Alpha Jerome couldn't take it anymore... his crappy stepfather had crossed the line. The young Wolf loved his mom, be he had to get out of there before he stabbed the bastard. So Jerome threw his things in a bag, took his savings out of the...
Twist The Blade (M/M)
Twist The Blade by H. A. Kirsch (HawkWolf) Copyright 2008 --- A day shy of his eighteenth birthday, on the last day of school, David Van Der Horn was walking out towards the student parking lot after picking up his diploma. Passing the computer...
Makin' yer own luck...
The big boar snickered, as he watched the powerful date rape drug he'd slipped into the unicorn's drink beginning to take effect already... "well now... thaaat hardly maattters..."
Conceel | Entree Sized Commission
It wouldn't be long before tank's rough rutting sped up, even if it felt like an eternity to hunter's date-rape drugged mind.
On Red Alert
The other incidents were simple enough, nothing that would truly stick as a lingering thing...but date rape was another story entirely.
Going the wrong way can be both good and bad
It must have been some kind of naturally occurring date rape thing. she glanced at her hands, which seemed to be growing hair rapidly. it was just like one of those fake transformation sequences - that wasn't good!
Sickening Sexual Abuse Part II
I figured you'd say no if i asked you to be their bitch for a while, so that's where the date rape came in, yeah?" "ej, please," aetos bleated, tears beginning to roll down his face. he pawed at the weavile.
The feeling of sticking out in a crowd was hard to shake off, and at the moment Mia felt she was sticking out quite a bit. The fox girl had arrived at the crowded, derelict warehouse on the urging of her friend. A companion that was, currently,...
Knock-Out Punch
. <:3 it just occurred to me that for all i joke about date rape, i don't think i've ever actually written it. well, first time for everything. :v in case you're considering this as a valid pussy-getting tactic, don't. rape isn't cool, yo.
STARGAZER: First Ground - 04
Next day started when Darison woke up on a hammock of web made by Frinya. The human grinned and caressed the young Arachne's face. She was asleep yet, but he remembered the last night's events and quickly got an erection. Darison touched her Arachne's...
Kevin Stair Takes a Tumble
Kevin Stair sipped his hot chocolate. The coffeehouse bustled around him, but he took no notice. He was completely engrossed in his novel. The years had been kind to him. While he was graying around the muzzle and temples, the rest of his fur stayed...
Claude's Rhino
Claude quickly forgave jake for the date rape when the rhino told him he loved him, then offered to legally bond him. they bonded, and jake was proudly at his lion's side when he painfully bore the big rhino calf he'd sired.