Hell on Earth. Chapter 23. END

"I'm a dragon!" Rave peeped at every opportunity as they dodged masked students throwing hexes around the corridors. "Look at me! Dragons are real!" Curious heads turned, mutters of amusement and astonishment followed them: "Is that actually...

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Hell on Earth. Chapter 22

The hooded figure approached the theatre stage slowly, scythe swinging gently with every step, hooded head turning, taking in the empty seats and the weapon-strewn stage and the large torture wheel upon it. "CROWLEY?" A single eyelid fluttered open....

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 17

The long, bulky, armed metal shell slid into the tank's receptacle with a 'clunk' and the orc turned next to the aiming mechanism. He'd not had chance to practise, and he unsteadily cranked it up with a hopeful grimace. "Steady, soldier, you're...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 16

The noise of the tank's growling diesel engine was immense, and there were more squeaks and squeals than if they'd run over a nest of hamsters as they rolled over the virgin landscape. Anar had a map around somewhere on the metal flooring, but it...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 15

On the whole, this planet was very much like Earth, really. Anar put it down to the whole 'breathable atmosphere' and 'carbon-based lifeforms' thing. There were plants, and animals, and birds. They could be the same species they had back home for all...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 14

"I'm not your pet! I'm not your project!" Anar seethed, his cheeks colouring darkly, his fists still clenching. "No! I'm not trying to make you either of those things. Many, many years ago, I made some serious errors of judgement and I'm trying to...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 13

It was all well and good bringing orcs in from different tribes that were usually at war with one another when it was just an idea discussed inside the safety of the War Room, but it was a little trickier putting it into practise. No sooner had the...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 12

Much to Anar's disappointment, Vandergraaz did not have particularly interesting hands. They were neither incredibly mighty nor amusingly small. The name Thunderfist had likely been earned in another way. He didn't have much time to...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 11

The new orcish Kaos Army recruits were quickly put to work assembling yet more parts to the growing army base under the careful directions of Corporal Rave, armed with his shiny new swagger stick and a disproportionate sense of importance. In his...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 10

The orc guards looked at each other and grunted quizzically. They did not lower their weapons. Anar stayed absolutely still in his seat, a bead of sweat making its way down his brow, and his hands slowly began moving back towards the steering wheel. If...

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Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 9

Their evening meal was not sweet and sour gerbil, much to Anar's relief. The kitchen crew now in their employment were happy to work with Earth ingredients supplied by The Dragon, so the three friends turned comrades-in-arms actually had the...

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