Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 08
Trevor wasn't surprised to find those doctors were later brought to justice under a variety of malpractice charges, but bobby had never shown up in those. probably due to his father's intervention.
Alaska (2)
"if you're just telling that to...shit...calm me down, i'll sue you for malpractice," ramon said.
[Gift] Fattening Malpractice (DARK ENDING!!)
The red fox awoke with a panicked gasp-- she found herself in a hospital bed. She was in a small cozy little room: a birchwood nightstand with flowers on it next to the bed; a ceiling fan keeping the atmosphere pleasantly cool, and a couple of chairs,...
The Wolf Soul - Part Eight
At worst, we are talking about malpractice, maybe negligence." "and we'll be looking at eight figures once they're through with us," dianne silberman spelled out what worried her most.
Promethean pact
"don't be, it was a horrible issue surrounding a malpractice and the errors of society, yes i was raped by a knife, but i got my old biology back. and i am whole." i avoid eye contact with him. he wouldn't understand such matters.
Ursa Minor
Would ever believe it, that round, friendly-looking man on the billboards and bus benches that had amassed such huge fortune and prestige in the roanoke valley, that ran local commercials and made love to the camera talking about how much he cared about malpractice
Treating a Gorgon
The cheetah smiled, and they began to talk about options and possibilities and side-effects, and the conversation turned round to the possibility of malpractice by the felines surgeon.
The Reveal (a fragment)
You have lived through having your mother killed and your body burnt to cinders at your hands and feet, through having your arms cut off, then your legs, then all four replaced, then your tail, then the terror of the infectious malpractice that left you neutered
Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 1/3 (in honor of ArcticWolf451)
So, your tail could have been even longer, but thanks to the stupidity of the doctor, mostly on malpractice, he cut the wrong cord! so, straighten up your back, act like a lion...the lion that you are...and listen to your mother.
The Untold Tale of Sam
He goes over several ideas in his mind as he makes his way down to the beach, that's when he spotted him, a thylacine doctor from the ship, he was here because he had a record for malpractice suits because he got 'into' his work.
Hard at work
#14 of free stories a poor snow leopard is introduced with a well-respected job at a well-respected place with no underlying or concerning malpractices whatsoever. :) (his new to job is to be a pet to a bunch of millionaires who find him disposable but it's
Our Family Chapter 2
I will file so many malpractice, misconduct, negligence and private suits against you that you will be ninety before your legal ordeal ends." she raised a brow, "that so?" "that's so, my name is kimber keller.