Disposable Teens (Halloween Contest Story 2/2)
overinflating it and making everything near proportionate in size! grinding up against the walls as he easily occupied the length of the room! well, for his upper half at least.
L'arc The Bloaty Lion:Beer Keg
The too small shirt now not covering his swollen gut which was now the size of a large overinflated basketball "oopshh" slurred l'arc as he realized what had happened "oh well i neber liked these pantshh anywaysh" as he went for another beer the bloated lion
Artie's Balloon Time
The overinflated latex balloon started creaking and squeaking louder and louder! artie couldn't help himself anymore! "oh goooood~! its gonna pop so loud! g-gonna cuuuuuuuummmmmm!!!!!!" he screams out while bouncing harder onto it.
The Biggest Gainer: Hollywoo Edition
His athletic build seemed oddly puffy, like an overinflated balloon animal. the curve of his belly was visible beneath his shirt, topped with two rounded domes.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - O is for Overinflation
**o is for overinflation** how do i get myself into these situations? well, okay... if i'm being honest, i know exactly how. like so many other guys, via my cock. there she is, waiting for me just like she promised she would.
Spa Day
Any cares that remained in her mind were far away, backed into distant corners by an overinflated balloon of pleasure, threatening to burst and send her into madness.
Invasion of the goo alien
The fisherman's belly expanded, swelling with every blast of cum, becoming soon swollen enough that his overinflated skin grazed against the ground below.
He knew he had looked odd to the other anthro at the door, just an overinflated mess of canine that was covered in crumbs.
Alphys Höek
To make a long story short...despite how much he could clearly hear alphys begging and pleading to be with her beloved girlfriend undyne, mettaton simply refused, forcing her to live with him mainly for the sake of boosting his own already comically overinflated
Love's Battlefield: After the Battle - Monsters
The point is, i didn't want to wait for my brain to pop like an overinflated balloon. i would have rather gotten the whole ordeal over with.
You, Monster
Seconds pass... minutes... rope after rope of thick salty spooge joins its brothers in making your sister look like an overinflated blimp. her orgasm finally relaxes, releasing your proud, cum covered cock from her vice.
The Pack's New Toy
His brutal thrusts acted like a pump on her loose cunt and overinflated belly, and each thrust carried a load of semen out of her body. every movement was accompanied by wet and obscene noises of cum splattering everywhere.