Terratyx Chapter One - Resurrection
Feeling her small ears thicken into leathery, pointed fans was the end of the princess's stoicism; aliciana began to sob and whine in husky, distorted snorts.
Digimon Defenders Chapter 3
What gabu had thought was stoicism in the face of despair actually turned out to be tento's real personality. he was blunt, quiet, and analytical, rarely showing any emotion of any kind.
Sent Kobold Chapter 9: Kobold's Lair
The all-watcher wasn't easy to surprise, but apparently his sudden reappearance along with iskdiwercaesin's presence seemed have to have shocked the 112 year old kobold from his usual stoicism.
Your grin is wide, disarming - humour can often ease the weight that stoicism's square shoulders aren't wide enough to bare.
Red and the Wolf
Wayne approached most things with an air of stoicism. when they used to watch movies together, the wolf even laughed at the more emotional scenes, much to red's chagrin. what about a children's tale could make wayne so upset?
Chapter VIII: Break of Dawn
Though she could be a pain about it, her stoicism and unwavering devotion gave everyone else the strength to maintain their composure and to push forward. to see her so scared... harm couldn't take it. aria was _not_ that person.
Prisoner of War
His tail was wagging, petra noted, and a new squirm of disgust nearly unseated her stoicism.
Through the Valley of the Shadow
In response to all of these, the stoat maintained a level of stoicism. "queen ansha might tell you that you need to be careful about what you say, and about who you say it to.
Replacement Part III
Anthony didn't like the stoicism as much as he thought he would during the first ten minutes of it. a total lack of emotion turned out to be more unsettling than an outpouring of them. green light washed out anthony's pelt instead of red.
Just contemplating what 'the worst' could entail was frightening...it was tough maintaining the façade of stoicism, there was no telling when the terror would break out, but he knew if he showed fear he'd be preyed upon, figuratively if not literally
New Responsibilities
The duke felt his pleasure increase, and his stoicism crumbled into a ferocious snarl. "ahhhhhh, fuck! that's it. scream for me!" he growled. harold was already obeying to the letter. more than screaming, he would say his lover's name and beg for more.
Damn her stoicism and damn her shitty sense of 'morals'. she glanced down at the woman who was so eager for her cock and it took all of self-control not to rip the tether from her chest, to tear the soul right out of her.