Giantess Undyne X Alphys: Fetishistic Boogaloo

Alphys moaned in despair as eye-gougingly bright colors, characters ranging from just plain cloyingly cutesy to obnoxiously melodramatic and everything in between, stupid facial expressions, inane and excessively drawn-out plotlines, goofy sound effects, over-the-top

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 99

Apart from the whole eye gouging thing, i mean?" "sarah clocked her a good one afterwards. not sure if that's a factor." "that explains the swelling in the right cheek. congratulations, sarah.

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Spots and Stripes: Kitties at Play

Long legs like a dancers or gymnasts seemed to go up all the way to their chin clad in an almost obscenely short pleated skirt, their broad feet in a pair of soft, see-through jelly sandals of eye-gouging violet squeaked across the smooth tiles.

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The Martian Fuhrer: A Furry Pulp (Old)

Manstrong ran again, running up the king's back and taking the other head from behind, claws digging into the other eyes, gouging the soft orbs out, full paws sinking into the massive eye sockets.

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Aldruin, Chapter V: Lovers

He was missing an eye, gouged out by that 'other' vindicator he despised so much.

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Silver City Aside - Night Shift

The vakari's nearly mid-back length hair was dyed an eye-gouging emerald green, nearly matching his non-artificial eye.

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A Druid's Folly

She quickly saw who the alpha of the pack was when she was set down in front of a tall, muscular worgen, with his left eye gouged out and large scars on his chest visible through his brown fur, the evidence of failed attempts to end his life.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 6

They wanted their last image of him to be his defiled head, with an eye gouged out and the ears cut off. all in all, he wanted everybeast to know that ferrin rord was dead. "fleckle mard! juskamard! fleckle mard! juskamard!"

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One Hell of a Night - Chapter 6

"should i be worried about having my eye gouged out by one of your horns?" i asked. without replying, she moved her head to lie on my shoulder, moving the horns out of range of any important organs.

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Birth of a God

Her organs were ripped violently from her body, blood flying and staining anything within reach, her wings were torn off, her eyes gouged out and her bones shredded apart into dust as they were brought over to the raichu viral monster.

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