When Pets Becomes Owners, and Humans Become Pets

Pixie looked in the other corner at the litterbox. it was meant for her and she had used it often, but now that she was two-legged was it a part of her? she almost felt tempted to use it but knew geffa would not appreciate it.

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Kioga: Diaplomacy 9 - Our Diapers Longer Than Our Soul

"yes, but make sure they're the maxes because the world is not your litterbox." "and hey, more opportunities for autographs." "that's so gross," laughed ceylon. "oh, so suddenly my body waste is gross?" snarked kioga. "you know what i mean.

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Of Mites and Macros - Chapter 2

With one paw over his snout, the fox padded into what was clearly their litterbox, trying to step carefully as the sand gritted under his paw. at least it was fairly clean.

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The Boss

"haha, save your strength, litterbox, you're gonna need it." the boss taunted him with a swing of his muscular hips.

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Love, Life, and Leopards

Using the litterbox, too, took some getting used to. both had to squat to piss and shit and were compelled to bury their waste, digging into the box just slightly and using their back legs to cover their leavings.

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Squeaky Unclean (OLD)

I'm tired of playing on this litterbox beach." everybody grinned, sans silver, who was blushing much too hotly to add anything. they stood, helped silver to his feet, and walked off for the showers with their new friend in tow.

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The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1

"and he looks like he hasn't hit the litterbox for a week!" jake shook his head, leaving that charming little observation uncommented upon, and turned the volume up with the remote.

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Playing with your Pet

The garbage can that the household once used for pixie's litterbox was moved to the other side of the room. on the dresser nearby, a package of wet wipes. randal turned to the others and grimaced, "where... where am i supposed to go?"

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Seeing Spots

Kevin redressed and went about turning off all the lights in the firehouse except for the room with a litterbox left to bandit. initially, he found it strange that a dog could use one, but it wasn't like dogs were complete idiots.

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Evokation / Book I: The Fool / Part 7

I'll go get a serviceable litterbox and some blankets and food. i'm sure he'd like that." "as long as he doesn't smell too much." zerrex said mildly, and then he winced when the pseudodragon growled and nipped his cheek.

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Morgana the vampiress

Like a cat covering its shit in a litterbox is what he reminded me of. why else would he stage these little fantasy worlds he obviously had scattered about the world? it made me feel belittled that we (the coven) weren't special.

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A most unusual arrangement

At least i won't have to deal with cleaning your litterbox anymore," he said with a smirk, receiving a giggle in return. "well master...you don't really have to worry about feeding me either.

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