The Escort

Glancing back to jaabir she'd add, "course i know tabatha'd keep her word to you, but s'got a lotta sad memories for him now." she'd lean back. "we just checked back there case some other rat showed up t'warn em."

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A Colorful Month 4

Even the sad memories or ones that should have been painful had that same sort of filtered effect. he didn't have bad feelings towards things, only annoyance at the very most. _i...don't i face consequences? don't i deal with things?

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Eragon - A Rider for Saphira

It brought back memories, sad memories, and slowly she began to cry. it was an amazing sound, rich with sorrow and anguish for what she had lost, and that which she could never have. eragon had never heard her cry before; he had no idea what to do.

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Chapter 5 - Connection to Friends

The thought of brian's pain was overwhelming and the idea of the pain that was inflicted in leo's heart, surfaced a sad memory. "do tell me what's bothering you?" "i remember something from when i was young.

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Revolution |Chapter XX: The Struggle of the Mind

All i did was look away, only shaming myself even more as i found myself trembling just at the thought of that sad memory that was forever a part of my life. zoey knew that it was going to cut me deep, but she knew that it was for good reasons.

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 17

She had stayed there a few times in the past while it was up and running and enjoyed the place a lot, but it still brought back some sad memories now that her umbreon was gone.

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Evolutionary desires pt 11

That was the start of a new life for eevee, his old life nothing but sad memories.

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Silver and Gold – Lust – ch7

I forced my eyes to close but more so forcing my mind to stop thinking, to stop bringing up painful and sad memories of what was. slowing my breathing to control my thoughts and body to ease myself into a dreamless sleep.

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The Serpent's Shard (Pt1)

Drowning in his sad memories, the wolf felt tempted to jump into the coils of the snake and finish with everything. but he forced himself to carry on.

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Iron and Rust Chapter 3

The mere thought of his father brought sad memories into focus, the bulky watch on his wrist seeming to grow heaver at the notion. without any sense of direction or goal, the husky kept walking.

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Remembrance ~ Part One

All the anger and disappointment, along with the regrets, the sad memories, the half-hopes. as more time passed, though..."

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