Milky Way

Last moon, at least, and then there was the whole gaffe with the 'missing' mountain wolf emissary. can you believe they blamed _us_, when he practically begged to be taken?" "it's hard being top of the food chain, i'm telling you. you got off lightly.

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Splintered Light, Ch 0: Prelude

Rolf had seen the dog in a few fights during his time aboard the wave rider and the dane seemed almost as harsh with his fellow crewmen as he was with real opponents; the fact that the dog had a wooden gaff hook handle in his clenched paw for use as

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Nesting Season pt2

Realizing his gaffe quickly, paul darts over beside the girl, offering his arm, "hey, that's right, how long were you in that... place?" he asks, making sure she doesn't fall, no matter what.

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At Prayer

"your acceptance of cruelty did not extend to ali," the governor noted, ignoring the gaffe. "she protected me, from the worst of the crew," alinadar confirmed. "i did what i could, which wasn't much," fahdah said.

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FiM: As Soft as Stone

"the mountains," she replied, apparently unperturbed by the social gaff. "why?" she asked, walking up to stand next to the younger woman.

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Slit Tight

The choice was either disappointing his partner by taking it easier than he wanted or risking harming him to deliver what he desired...but, he had promised aspen he'd make up for his gaffe, it was the treecko calling the shots here, so he would just

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My Slave Family- Chapter 18

He hoped they would ignore her gaffe and chalk it up to something else distracting her. "it's urgent i get that sent out and the sooner it's in the mail, the better i'd feel." he replied, trying to keep his voice calm. "how are my boys doing?"

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Sixes Wild: Winged

'sides, you stood the gaff fine..." she lowers her hat. "...'cept when i had to whiskey your wound. way you holler, folk'd think yer a girl!" i show all the teeth in my long muzzle. "better than the reverse."

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Cheshcake Factory- Forgetful Frosting

If she was embarrassed by her gaffe it didn't show; then again, with all the fur on her face, it would always be hard to see if she was blushing or not. "i'm so used to seeing you in uniform, i kinda forgot what you look like without it."

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Chapter 2: Krystal

Krystal, space dynamics realized the 'barrel roll' gaffe later on, when pilots gave their feedback to our engineers.

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