[SFW] Squirrelly Days #004 - Reteh

Alethean wall an otherworldly wall built by the ancient aletheans. the wall encircles the aletheans territory and appears as a highly detailed mosque landscape.

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The Magician's Test

With a flick of his wrist, black lines of shadow shoot out from this circle to the 13 runes of ink, an otherworldly blue glow beginning to come from them.

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Hallowed Hearts:A conjuring (Word Count: 2050)

The warmth which soon began to spill inside her almost scalding hot as craven's muzzle lifted in an otherworldly howl.

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The Mook Maker, Interlude 10: The Landlord

The terrifying creatures from otherworldly realms weren't the opponent they were trained to fight or the enemy they prepared for.

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Confession From A Dragon

My eyes shut tight as the familiar sensations take me to otherworldly places where pain turns to pleasure and even suffering is a pleasure unto its own.

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87 - Rising to Power

Handil moaned softly and lightly smacked her muzzle when she swallowed the treated vampire blood. Valdys checked the progress of the spell through her body, and looked at Rachael with a reassuring smile. 'The spread of the curse has stopped. It might...

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I Switch Off All The Lights

Will they still talk of otherworldly grief in teashops? will they walk beneath the trees and savor the green coolness of the shade? how many homes that i had learned to love are lost to me. i may yet lose this too.

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Temple of Life - Worship (5/6)

For a radiant, otherworldly being, they were surprisingly sweaty and musky, but they also tasted just amazing. the mienshao suckled and caressed them even more devotedly and made sure that his master's plump balls received a thorough massage.

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Meanwhile 3, Part 1

Robin and kiva, supporting trapdoor, entered the otherworld. as they stepped through a cadre of elves greeted them. before they could say anything robin shouted, "he needs medical attention, quickly!"

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Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 12

Oaky blinked in surprise as his near-fully recovered eyesight treated him to an otherworldly display.

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Sonic's Shower

_wonderful otherworldly sensation_, the title brand name reads in a styled text that looked like it was for women, _peach and melon flavor rolled into one! for the sweet scent that men will die for!_.

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