roo's adventure

"uuh... ok then... how about assasin?" "... bad call. bad call!!!" "whooooaaaaaah.... easy, little guy." "hm! im outa here." a few hours later roo saw dr. j once more. this time in cyborg form. "haha! now, you will regret crossing paths with me!

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matts story

"b..but" "no buts, its just an in case anyways" matt keeps crawling through the ducts "here" matt stopped above a vent and armed his second pistol, a m1911 with a silencer then fired it through assasinating the current tech trooper. matt waited to see if

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Mercenary 4: Darkness

"very good" said lidjen "we know you too nahual, you're quite a legend, the most skillful, clean, fast and honorable of assasins, or at least you were.

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'tis a tale about a hired assasin with a peculiar working method... nothing disturbed the peace of night. at least nothing that made much of a sound.

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How Does An Assassin Retire?

My boss says the worst thing in the world an assasin can do is learn how to feel, guess i now know why. i'm gonna be so fired if i survive all of this.

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A Prank Gone Wrong

He's planning to assasinate most of the da during the next game!" "wow" dean muttered. even knowing where harry had gotten the idea, it still sounded like the ramblings of an obsessed person.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 112: So Close To Letting It All Go (The Future Of Our Future Part IV)

If he gives up on the assasinating and killing part and agrees to settle down and change his ways." day 253 [september 18th] 6:30 am "look at those two." russell said observing the sleeping wolf and the chakat. they are really close together.

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Stephanie Renard - The loot and the hunter part 2

You're under arrest for assasination! raise your arms!" aster couldn't stop trembling as he turned around. it was a starfleet soldier aiming at him with a 'phazer' gun while he looked at the cub with a cold stare.

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Alegeharian Almanac

**medieval world** zenith dons a green assasins robe gifted by lego # lyonas furditore age: 5 gender: male species: tescorosso height: 3'8" personality: appearance: primarily red panda with ears, tail and member of a wereshep, markings that mesh

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Tail Of An Assassin - Wolf Dilemma Complex Part 2 : To slay a dragon.

Is the holder of the amethyst seat.. he might be able to disuade her from this," " there won't be anything he can do, he doesnt have the kind of support he needs and most of the ten don't care for dragons, whats one less dragon to them.. much less an assasin

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My Sweet Deadra - Chapter 4

They knew so many stories about battles with vampires and assasins, and they were so well told that kerai often believed they had been there. but they were just stories. but one night had been different.

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Roll of Fate...(5): Hunter's Moon

"he is a royal assasin...a ghost that king sevran commands at will. they say that he commands a group of warriors trained in his art and uses them to help the kingdom remain intact for the most part.

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