
Diggs moans of pain and his claws digs in the floor, butch for his part moans and closes his eyes feeling that diggs's entrails surround his penis.

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Iron Collar - Ch1

Came the last cry of an adult female fennec before a burlap bag was fitted over her head, her furred stomach cut open, and her entrails strewn to the floor in front of the town's population.

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Hording illusions

He was deep in the entrails of the earth, the maze of corridors and tunnel leading his path toward the reward he hoped was bountiful.

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Alpha Male Meets Tom Cruise: A Chillunz Storie

He set the old fart on fire, mutilated him with twin chainsaws, stuck his head in some bike spokes and from his entrails made withdraws.

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Chapter 1: Rucidia Island Pt.1 of 4

Fredric's entrails knot up. the moment has arrived. "this is it! first combat mission, don't screw it up!" he shouts mockingly.

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Situs Inversus

When he catches a glimpse of glistening entrails at the bottom of the gash he has made, he pauses, admiring the first gleam of the treasures further effort will unearth.

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Deadly love *TEASER*

She slid the meat off her scaled arm then shook the entrails from them. her mate took the pinned grenade and went to the leader of the settlement and handed the grenade over to the frightened man. "we do not kill lightly.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 47

Dorin opened his eyes, expecting to see more blood everywhere, more gore, maybe some entrails falling from the sky, who knew? but everything seemed normal. well, as 'normal' as it could get in this place, anyway. the snow was white, if a bit blurry.

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New Centuar

Picking up a strange device that looked like a tube clamp on a handle, deathwing ducked under the poor dragoness' dangling entrails and fished out a particular one.

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