NOC ch7: Exodus

[nah i'll give him a break this time lmao. see you monday!] [take it easy!!]:d ] he rolled his eyes and rubbed his face. corey always signed off with that little emote. horns and everything.

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Dexter and Miles: Wild Force 2 - 2022

'lmao' adrian put it simply. 'miles, can you buy me some nunchucks there?' joel requested. miles knew at that moment that he'd go as a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

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Busted on Broadway 2: Encore!

I had a ton of fun, lmao. brandon laid in bed, his pillow over his face to try and drown out his alarm. "phone, please. i need sleeeeeeeep," he groaned.

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Gym Talk

Okay}}_ _{{i'm working on it}}_ _{{fuck you}}_ _{{lmao relax, boss.}}_ _{{i'm fucking with you}}_ _{{can we get to the point where you need me to call you an idiot?}}

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Passion in the Dark

lmao.) she lashed at his tongue with her own, mashing it against the insides of her teeth, the roof of her mouth, and whatever came into range. he loved it.

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lmao 4.b) also just be nice to me because i'm nice too and being rude is rude :3 **_if you want more of this weirdness_** tell me in the comments so i know people are interested and i'll write more!

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Secrets of a Zonai

This story features my zonai oc who doesn't have a name yet so i didn't use a name throughout the story lmao. i'm really loving breath of the wild and tears of the kingdom so i hope ya'll enjoy this story that came from me loving the games so much!

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Podunk Blues, Part 1

Clubbing, petty drama, setups for something more to come i hit a burst of inspiration for the first time in years, managed to plan out a whole thing, and am now comfy enough with it to post, which aint happened in idek how many years lmao.

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Train Ride Home

More like i'm finally running out of things to say lmao. one thing though. i might make this a series of stories. the app is starting to grow on me (wink wink) and i want to make it a permanent thing in a few stories.

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Kitchen Debauchery

The benefits of writing two chapters at once, lmao. just took me a bit to get around to doing the final passthrough before uploading. i hope to get the next story out before the year ends; let's see how it works out!

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Alcatraz Ch. XX-Trenches

/// you know how i always talk about dropping plot points that take forever to happen prime example lmao annnnnnnnnnnnnnyway the seeds of doubt are planted in g201... is there a traitor? is it isaac?

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