A Diffrent Angel

Hope you enjoy, but be warned: contains some violence, pain and dark emotional content comments and critique appreciated. and back to happier stuff soon :) monty picked listlessly at the crumbs cascading down his chest, trying to hold in the tears.

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Hypnovember 2022 #7 - Re-Installation of the Soul

They'd carried out some violent acts of vandalism, kidnapping for ransom, the odd bombing here or there if they were feeling particularly bloodthirsty.

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[COMMISSION FOR ducky] Ancient Superpower

Mature for some violence and some textual nudity. today was a day that would forever be marked in history. today was the day that the famed researcher of ancient lore, dr. isaac danielson, would unveil his greatest finding before the world.

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Momma's Birthday Present

Poking her head into his room, leaning a bit against the door, she observed him in the midst of playing some violent game on the ps3. "hey, kiddo," she said, "i got you a snack." alphonse paused the game and looked over his shoulder.

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For Every Door that Closes -- Three

._ _second, this story has reached a point where there is some violence. i am not sure it is strong enough to merit being adult content, but i also know different folks have different levels of sensitivity.

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A Silly, Merrie, Looney Story (Commission for DragonfireNY)

There will be some violence and silly scenarios, including things that really shouldn't be possible, but you are all smart enough to know not to shoot bunnies or ducks that can outwit you in seven minutes or less, right? well good.

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Calm Waters Chapter Five

I'm here because you reported that you took home someone from a club last night that had experienced some violence and got injured." the dragon introduced himself as tobias and gestured me into his home.

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Family Matters P2 - Chapter 2

Toma beamed, but something wicked was building up within his body, some violent heat that he'd never experienced before that was fuelled by the desire to hurt, to control... to make someone else humiliated as he had been and clarion was the perfect target.

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The Main Source - Prologue: Rescue Party

some violence ahead the wind whipped softly on that cold winter afternoon trees shifted only slightly. the snow painted the leaves and branches of each tree with a picturesque sheet of white.

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False Moon 8: A Hard Road

This chapter features some violence, blood, and slavery content. enjoy, and feel free to give comments and criticism! thank you for reading. with the border crossing done mallory was starting to feel almost optimistic about their chances.

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Mummy's Craving

Learning he sacrificed his life to help police apprehend some violent criminals. heartbroken and proud of his heroism and per his wishes his son was named isaac. taking the duty normally reserved for dennis isaac sr wrote down his namesake.

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