Jake's Initiation

Dash smirked predatorily and said, "second's up." he got down on his knees, hovering just above jake.

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Mixing Pleasure with Business

She whispered, and david smirked as if he knew what she was going to say. it was strange how he always seemed to know everything.

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Two Worlds: Double D (6)

Damien smirked as he side glanced down at his feline friend, letting his eyes devour the chance of looking the leopard up and down. god she was a goddess.

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The Cabin in the Woods

Samuel asked, smirking as he looked down to see alex kissing his shaft gently.

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Crimes Against Nature (Part 2)

He said smirking wide. the tiger did as he was told. he got onto his hands and knees and then laid flat on his stomach. the tiger's ass was nice and flat as was the rest of him. the fox smirked wide and walked forward and got onto his knees and smirked.

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City of the Damned -Chap V

He looked at talon's head with a smirk, flicking his head forwards. "what happened here? the blood looks fresh..." talon grunted, smirking. with a wink, he told kiarua about how he was captured, about the kiss.


Helping a bro out

Jerome moaned, as the smirking alpaca moved around helping the big horse out of the rest of his clothing.

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Lita betrayal

Lita: -smirk- i'll never tell . now !

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Giving Him What He Wants

Jay smirked and reached down before groping at his own crotch, "is this what you want?" the rabbit remained silent, trying desperately to find something to say in this situation, "well, if you really want my cock..." jay smirked.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 116

Chris smirked as rose stood, smirking back before wincing and flicking her hands with an "ow ow owww" from stopping him, her hands stinging and throbbing from the impact between them. "yeah, that was gonna hurt a little...

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The Pride of the Darkest Night

He smirked at hades and beckoned him over, hades in his drunken haze walked over to him. "hey there sexy dog." the big cat smirked. "hello big kitty." hades smirked back. "i'm hikaru, what's your name handsome?" hikaru introduced. "hades."

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