Proper Training

The tapered, wiggling penis slithered within the wolf's paw, demanding more of his attention. he eventually delivered, slowly rubbing the shaft up and down with a firm grip.

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Bowser's Counterattack (Part 1)

As bowser's shaft slithered back inside his slit, he would walk forward again to move the dog away from his position, now that he was unable to do so on his own. "alright, runt.

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Lab Drone Placement (2/3)

Dieter nodded and felt his muzzle seal back up as the snake cock slithered between his legs, brushing against his inner thighs and causing him to shudder before it pushed upwards.

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You're Mine Now

He growled in pleasure as his body shivered, more of his canine member slithering and growing out of his sheathe. the semi-exposed member throbbed, showing off just how vein-y it truly was.

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Star Fox Dirty Command

Sure, a little respect and romance would've made it more magical, but the sensation of wolf's cock filling her needy pussy, panther pounding away at her tight ass, and even leon's hose-like cock slithering down her throat was more than enough to get her blood

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Held Prisoner

Out slithered his tongue which, just as zyme managed to hit a sweet spot just under the head of his cock, slithered out and wrapped around the worm, pulling it off the drink stir, which viper cast aside.

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The Devil's Music

The unicorn pushed, and inch after inch of fat horse cock slithered free of the human's throat. the woman collapsed onto the stage, barely conscious of anything but the unicorn's maleness, dripping cum from every hole.

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Lock up...

The buck sighing with relief as jerome climbed off of him, that long spent cock slithering out of the deer's battered tail-hole. jerle's relief didn't last long however, he felt the bunk squeak as jerome and the big boar traded places.

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The Sex Lives of Pokemon (Episode 1)

I felt it would be somewhat interesting to feel a male moving in and out of my vagina while also feeling his shaft slithering around in there as if it had a mind of it's own.

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Moonlight Waltz

It pulled, and she felt the cock slither out until just the tip kissed her sex, then slid back inside.

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Izzy the boy toy

Obeying his master in fear of retaliation, izzy closes his eyes and breathes deeply a few times before leaning forward and feeling the wet, curved dolphin penis slither over his lips.

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