Skye & Ruki

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#29 of All They Knew

Alternate (vaginal version) of Chapter 13.


Existing; complete stories: 'Midnight.' (Male umbreon x fem trainer.) 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)


All NSFW scenes: Chapter 6: Skye & Ruki.

F human x M alolan ninetales.

Chapter 7: Skye & Ruki.

F human x M alolan ninetales.

Chapter 9: Skye & Ruki.

F human x M alolan ninetales. Chapter 13: Skye & Ruki.

F human x M alolan ninetales. Chapter 23: Skye & Aaron.

F human x M alolan ninetales. Chapter 25: Ruki & Vivi.

F espeon x M alolan ninetales.

~ Non-canon: Chapter 26: Ruki & Sylmi.

M alolan ninetales x M sylveon. Chapter 28: Ruki & Ru.

M alolan ninetales x M midday lycanroc. Chapter 29: Skye & Ruki.

F human x M alolan ninetales.Part 1.

Chapters 1-14. Part 2.

~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.

The ferry trudged along as the sun rose the next morning. Skye had awoken before Ruki and was holding his body under the covers. They'd be home within the next hour and a half at 10 a.m., which excited her. She smiled and kissed the side of his neck. Weak sunlight shone through the window and hit her back, and her body shielded Ruki from it, allowing him to sleep without interruption.

What a trip. It saddened her, but one week in Sinnoh was possibly the most fun Skye had ever had. Was her life actually that boring, and was she? It would be no fault of her own, and she'd like to think she was a fun and lively person. Aaron could see otherwise upon getting to know her more and leave her as her friends did, considering they kept in touch. It hurt to think about, so she wouldn't, especially when such thoughts were speculation.

She wanted to give this a chance and assuming her worth and how he viewed her wouldn't help a possible relationship. It wasn't healthy.

Ruki awoke an hour later and stretched his limbs. He felt well-rested after a good dinner last night and would be back home today after a priceless vacation. Life couldn't get better.

Skye felt his body quiver as he shifted and grinned, "morning, stretchy boy." She released his sides so he could move freely. Skye was forever grateful she had Ruki. Who knew how yesterday would have played out without him? And today would've been nothing but depression. It wasn't how she would have wanted to look back on their first vacation.

Ruki rolled onto his stomach and then to his other side, leaning in to give Skye's cheeks and nose several unsuspecting licks. He was as happy as could be, waking to her beauty every morning.

She giggled, shielding her face after three. "Okay, okay, I get it. I love you too." Skye took his paw into her hand and ran her thumb over the top of it. "We had so much fun traversing Sinnoh... and..." She felt her face warm. "Even more, our temporary love acts." She eyed him, her tone seductive. "But... you know, we aren't in Alola yet," Skye smirked slightly.

She couldn't lie to herself. Having sex with Ruki turned her on more than anything else in life would ever. She'd never do it with another pokémon. She had no urge to, but how Skye felt when it came to Ruki was something else, and nothing-- no one could match it.

Life could get better after all. He gazed into her eyes, studying her sultry features. She brought out his nature every time.

She held his chin with her hand. "I want you to fuck me over the bed, Ruki," Skye spoke softly, nearly whispering. "One more time, so I can never forget how it feels. Can you do that for me?"

He nodded without a second thought, his body already hot as Skye aroused him much with her enticing voice and tender touch. Ruki would endeavor to make her feel as good as his knowledge would allow.

Skye sat up and pushed the blanket off of them. She had on a pink tee, matching knee-high socks, and panties she had put on last night. Skye looked at the mounted clock above the room's door. They had close to twenty minutes. "We'll be quick." She moved down to the end of the bed and slid off, her knees on the wooden floor.

Ruki got down and walked around to meet her. Between his legs was something special for Skye, waiting eagerly under his sheath from anticipation.

Skye slipped her panties off and set them on the bed, lying her upper half across it and pushing her rear out while looking back. "Ready when you are, babe." She figured he'd know what to do after cumming in her twice, which she loved to recall. Ruki would always own her before any other. Skye would never forget a moment from those wondrous sessions. She could play them in her head from her point of view vividly. Every last second.

Ruki eyed her plump rear cheeks as he hadn't yet been able to study them as closely as he could now, noticing some small red bumps on them. He approached and first pressed his nose to her vaginal folds, feeling Skye tense while he drew it over them and sniffed her irresistible aroma that he couldn't resist. He stuck his tongue out and traced it along her lips several times to get a good taste, feeling a slight drag from them against his tongue.

Skye let out a soft breath, holding the bedsheets with her hand while Ruki teased her, even swaying her hips against his licking. She'd miss his tongue all over her the most and would savor it now like never before. Gosh, no amount of rubbing herself or toys would compare.

He knew they were on a time limit, but Ruki couldn't get enough of her vagina. With slight hesitance, he stuck his tongue back out and drew closer, giving longer licks and applying more pressure to taste her adequately.

She felt him draw his tongue along her lips, pressing them and making her shudder. "Baby..." Skye looked back.

Ruki pulled away upon hearing her grab for him and looked at her.

"Could you slip it inside... all the way?"

He sure could. Ruki remembered licking her like so during their first night, but he hadn't penetrated her with it, and it made him wonder how much more he could taste of her and how strong it would be. He leaned back in and pressed his nose to her perineum, pushing the tip of his tongue between her labia and parting them, slipping it inside.

"Oh, oh..." she whispered and turned her head forward while feeling his smooth appendage move against her walls and go surprisingly deep. "Hm." Skye opened her mouth and raised her rear, her fingers shaking.

Ruki's tongue was such a dream. "Uhhmh," Skye hummed while he lapped at her sensitive canal with care and brought her lovely waves of pleasure. She bit her lip and slightly closed one eye, her cheeks a deep red while Ruki often pushed his tongue in and out, hearing subtle slicks. He covered more areas that way and granted them equal attention, which she was grateful for.

"Oh, that feels mhazing, b-baby..." Too good to stop him. The last thing on Skye's mind was the time.

He felt her body occasionally twitch and heard her breaths rise and quicken, knowing he was exciting and pleasing her plenty, which made him briefly swish his tails.

Ruki shut his eyes, focusing on treating her wet walls that pulsated against his tongue. He felt every gentle groove run over it, and her reflexively push and roll her hips with his motions. Skye had given his tongue a lot of exercise during their trip, so he was starting to be able to use it effectively for longer periods.

Skye mouthed: 'fuckk' exhaling through her mouth. It brought her repeated warm and orgasmic sensation that trickled along affected areas. "Faster, Ruki. Please tongue f-faster..." She pushed her rear outward, begging for more, and moved her hand down to begin rubbing her clit with two fingers.

Ruki continued, pushing his warm appendage as deep as possible and often lapping in a slight swirly motion along her walls to tend to cover more spots faster, bringing light gasps from Skye. She must really enjoy his tongue, which she'd made clear multiple times already and even said so during their first night, and he enjoyed using it to please her just as much. Ruki felt her quiver and her walls clench him as he sped up his pace.

Skye pressed into her clit, rubbing in a quick circular motion while pushing her rear harder against his tongue. "Nhm, keep punching my pussy... Gshh..." Her breaths grew heavier as she brought herself to a climax with Ruki's aid, opening her mouth more and moaning his name.

His tongue had to be the second-best gift on him. She extensively felt Ruki lap with power and effort while surging with limitless pleasure. Skye rested her chin on the bed, squeezing the sheets. Her orgasm would come at any moment as long as he kept it up.

"Oh, Ruki. Oh, o-ohh," her tone heightened. She liked it more and more with each lick and still couldn't find an answer as to why this was in her. Skye hadn't experimented with herself much in her life and had no one to try different things with, but she couldn't understand where her Ruki kink was coming from. A build-up of loneliness and one very special ninetales must have done crazy things to her.

Ruki pressed his nose into her skin and kept up his actions, though his tongue was beginning to wear. "Nh." Still, Ruki went as deep as he could, licking at her walls and hearing her groan and breathe higher.

Any way that Ruki could please Skye was something he'd remember, and he was thankful that she'd given him repeated access to her vagina. Being inside of it was the best Ruki had felt physically, and it had a strong bittersweet flavor and scent that pulled him like nothing else. It encompassing his tongue entirely gave him an unending supply of both.

Her gasps and moans encouraged and filled him with arousal, making him lick faster and rougher, now starting to hurt his tongue, but she'd done the same for him with her mouth. Ruki would keep at it until Skye was satisfied.

"F-uckk yess!..." She shut her eyes and mumbled as an intense clitoral orgasm enhanced profoundly from Ruki's tongue exploring her walls hit her. "Your tongue is so am-mazing. Ohn... hmmm..." Skye pressed her shaking fingers into her clit while pleasurable warm layered contractions surged around it, clenching her anus. She shuddered and winced while he continued during her climax, increasing her peak and making her push her butt into him even more, her breaths short and stammery.

Ruki kept still while her walls pulsated faster and about gripped his tongue. He pulled out after a few moments, giving her wet labia more licks and listening to her soft sighs in response. Again, Ruki was grateful that she let him put his sloppy tongue all over it and especially inside. He enjoyed that, and it was a bonus that she did too.

She took a second to recover before glancing back, grinning a bit as he licked his maw. "Go ahead and mount, baby..."

He took a step back and stood on his hind legs, having been awaiting permission, his front paws landing on the bed beside her chest and creating a light indentation from his weight. Ruki admired her body under him, his eyes scanning her waist, hips, and smooth thighs. He'd likely look at her body with lust sometimes, even after today, but this was the last time he could use it while doing so.

Skye exhaled and rested her cheek on the bed, feeling Ruki's warmth and weight press against her rear and legs. She'd savor it to no end. Him mounting her nude body sent chills up her back.

He remembered where her vaginal entrance was, so he shifted his hips, his tip poking at her inner thighs a few times before finally prodding between her folds.

Ruki thrust upon feeling the confirmation, stretching her labia with his tip while his sheath uncovered against it. He went deep. He felt and clearly heard her slick, aroused walls caress every inch of glans in their warmth down to his knot, making him murmur and press it to her lips. She took him so deep in this position.

"Oh yeah..." Skye muttered and softened her eyes, feeling him push his stiff length into her. "Fuck me good, baby." Skye looked back at him with a slight smirk. "Just like our first night..."

He would. He would do his absolute best. Ruki pulled his hips back and reentered, pressing his hips to her butt and hearing Skye exhale. He winced against tender, soaking pleasure encompassing him and briefly stuck his tongue out. "Ninh..."

He started pumping his hips at a steady pace, tapping her rear cheeks and feeling orgasmic waves fill and run along his cock from her textured walls caressing it. "Nnnh. Nhn..." Ruki huffed, wanting to go much faster but not wanting to cum in ten seconds either, so he'd take them there slowly and let them enjoy each other.

He still didn't know how he felt about this. Ruki was more than comfortable with her body and had gained confidence in performing sexual acts, but what would happen after such a fun week between them stopped abruptly or if either were tempted to revisit it one night at home?

Shamefully, he wasn't even sure if he'd be able to turn her away if Skye wanted or asked for it. Their relationship had taken a swift turn for either the best or worst, which neither of them could have expected. They went from years of a purely wholesome existence to Skye riding him in lingerie after dark, and that was one of the best nights in his life by far.

She turned ahead again and sighed deep, breathing softly through her mouth while he stuffed and massaged her walls, and reaching her arm out in front of her to hold the blanket. The sensual pressure and warmth Ruki gave her insides while pounding her was so addicting. It stimulated her like crazy, not to mention he was hitting her sweet spot often.

She could also feel his testes tapping the backside of her thighs, adding to her arousal. "It's all yours," Skye whispered and rolled her hips up and down against his love, gasping. "Mm, always..."

Skye bewildered herself with how much she had done and allowed as Ruki's owner for them to feel good throughout the week, and she would do it all over again. He may be her pokémon, but Skye loved serving him too, and it's not like he'd grown a sense of control over her as a result. Ruki respected her as much as she did him.

"Nineetah. Tale-s," he whined, leaning in and pumping his hips faster, smacking her ass and thighs and jiggling them accordingly. His eyes wore a familiar worry that exuded how much intense pleasure he was experiencing. He opened his maw and panted, feeling her walls convulse around and grip his shaft so nicely.

Her pussy was delightful in every way. He could never for the life of him understand how it was possible for something belonging to Skye to feel so unfathomably good, but he was glad it existed, on top of this position feeling fulfilling, although Ruki felt he could do even better with adjustment.

"H-Harder." Skye looked back. "I want your dick so much harder, Ruki... U-Use me how you want." Skye bunched the blanket in her hand and let out a breathy groan. She knew he was being gentle for her sake, which she was grateful for. He was the sweetest ninetales, but she had to ensure her boy was loving his owner thoroughly. Skye smirked and wiggled her rear for him.

He slowed and eyed her. He didn't want to harm her by chance, but Ruki, by instinct, wanted to mate Skye properly, so upon her giving him the reins, he'd do just that. Ruki dragged his paws, tucked them under her inner thighs, somewhat leaning over her while spreading his hind legs, and humped swiftly, putting passion into every one.

"Nh- nn..." Ruki tilted his head while moaning under soft pants and putting more power into each thrust. His hips smacked her cheeks and sack tapped her thighs harder, rippling them and pushing Skye's body from the increased force. He hoped he wasn't going too hard. Ruki felt his power with every other thrust, often pressing his hips to her rear to try and get a more intense sensation from her tight hole.

This felt so much better. Ruki found what he was looking for and thrust faster, murmuring and grunting under his breath while an irresistible environment encompassed his cock. "Nh, n-nn, nhi..." His rod tugged her outer labia, making them pull against his shaft before he pushed them inward with every thrust.

"O-Oh, Ruki. You're so big... Rukii." She rested her cheek against the bed, shutting her eyes and squeezing the blanket with both hands while her beloved ninetales dominated her. Skye exhaled each time he pushed his cock deep inside her, her legs quivering from the strong surges of euphoria. "I w-wish I could have him every day..." she mumbled under a groan. "I w-wish..."

She wanted to be everything she could for Ruki, and that meant taking him to orgasm while giving his cock the best treatment she could. Skye reached her hand down and held his paw while he took her pussy, feeling sweat form along her thighs and rear.

He huffed, his panting growing heavier. Ruki glanced at her hand and grinned internally, shifting his gaze from her rear and hips up to her perfect body. He leaned over and zoned out with shut eyes, catching strong whiffs of their session he enjoyed thoroughly.

While the sensations climbed, Ruki focused on Skye's whimpers and sweet moans enhanced while high on pleasure that he would never hear again. He would never be able to please her sexually after today, which would hurt in a week, but he would learn to live with it.

So Ruki went harder. He clenched his teeth and thrust with almost all his might several seconds at a time, resounding wet smacks filling the room until he wore himself and had to slow his pace, panting harshly through his nose. "Ninehn. Nhhine..." Her walls, hot with friction from his speed, warmed his glans and amplified the sensations inundating him. Ruki shuddered, savoring her smooth walls and their grooves gliding over and pulsating around his cock, often squeezing it.

He wanted to whine endlessly, consumed and overwhelmed in moist pleasure that blurred everything and took him from his senses. Mating Skye's pussy and gaining more pleasure than he could handle was the only thing on his mind. Ruki could not stop humping.

"Ughnf, y-yess, good boy good boy..." she whispered, her words stammering under her breaths. "Good boy, g-good... ssf..." Skye worked to keep her voice down, breathing shakily through her mouth. Through friction from Ruki's forceful and quick thrusts as he spurted more pre, she felt more pleasure than ever, radiating along her walls, and her pussy had never been wetter, proved by loud, frequent slicks and wet sucky noises against his actions.

Her eyes often rolled whenever he stimulated her sweet zone, and she gripped the blanket tighter while his knot hit her vaginal lips, often parting them from his force and threatening to knot her more than their first time.

"D-Dn- don't s-stop, baby!" Skye squeezed his paw. Her words came out louder than they had any right to be, but she couldn't care less. She wanted Ruki to keep pounding her. It was so, so damn good. She let out a few quavery moans and lifted her head with struggle, watching him have his way with her.

He pulled out so only the upper half of his member was inside her, slowing his pace. He opened his eyes because he felt Skye's on his, though he often winced from pleasure due to his soft thrusts. He loved her and was grateful she allowed him to get this close to her, this intimate. Ruki kept his eyes on hers, their breathing mutually rapid.

He watched her eyes grow weak, and she moaned through an exhale as he pressed his hips to her butt. He watched her hand clutch the blanket each time he pulled out and pushed back into her tight pussy, feeling her thumb rub his paw and grunting against a whine, "_nh_inetalesh... in..." Ruki tensed, huffing through his nose. His climax would arrive at any moment. He couldn't delay it much longer.

Skye felt his thrusts speed up, and her eyes rolled again as they grew rougher, rougher than ever. There was so much raw strength and aggression behind them. "He's pumping my pussy s-so deep. My gosh..." His hips forced hers against the bed frame, and his cock had tested her and her body's limits throughout the trip up to now. All that Ruki was now had never been present in her vulpix. Skye was in awe.

Her eyes, expressions, and moans encouraged Ruki to continue pleasing and receiving adorable feedback, and Skye would ensure he finished how he wanted. "F-Fucking harder, Rhuki!" she gasped, watching him pull his hips back and ram his throbbing cock into her at a fast pace, its walls squeezing him.

"Ahg, uhnn, shit..." It nearly brought her discomfort since he shoved it inside, and his knot began penetrating her stretched labia. Skye squeezed her cheeks together and raised her foot while curling her toes, whining and gripping his paw while he ravaged her hole.

"Ninet-tales... Hnns," Ruki grunted and winced his eyes shut, his tongue hanging from his maw. "Nine... Ninee-hn." His shaft got hotter and hotter, along with his body. His front paws twitched against her skin, more pre spurted from his tip, his thrusting was louder than before, and his hips smacking her sweaty, pink ass from irritation echoed throughout the small room.

Ruki pulled his paw from Skye's grip and stood again, keeping both close to the bed's edge while humping harder and hearing high-pitched air blow from her hole as he pushed in. He felt his paws slide forward as he went. His tails stiffened, and his legs quivered. He raised his hind paw and stood on her calf for leverage, although it slipped off a few times.

Skye was numb with pleasure. It was numb other than Ruki's hips smacking her, making her drop her jaw and let out hoarse moans, feeling him rub her sweet zone constantly.

"Nhm, h-huhmm... Is my pussy gonna make you bust, b-baby? I know you love it." She could tell he was close through his firm expressions and shallow breaths. Skye rested her cheek back on the bed and fell limp, being driven forward with pure force while he rammed her as hard as he could. Subtle moans tied with sharp inhales escaped her mouth frequently.

Ruki gave several more passionate thrusts into her luscious vagina, and the lovely sensations he received rose. His shaft surged with pleasure each time he pumped into her. Her lush, moist walls massaging every inch sent increasingly strong waves of pleasure flowing through it. "Nnnh..." he muttered, feeling as though he'd explode in bliss. His groin tingled, his cock was numb with pleasure he could no longer cope with, and his breaths cut.

The most intense orgasm Ruki had ever experienced so far gripped and ravished him. "N-Nihneee." A low, pleasured growl escaped his maw. He pressed his paws into the bed and humped her pussy while spilling his hot load deep inside her to increase the orgasmic pleasure stemming from her walls clenching his shaft. Ruki felt the euphoric warmth from their last few sessions to a higher, more powerful extent, making him groan and murmur in desperation.

He pushed his hips harshly and pressed his knot to her folds that more or less fought to let him in. He pressed the bed harder with his paws enough to display a deep indentation, applied more pressure, and felt her begin to open and expand around his knot. He kept humping and pressing her labia, pushing Skye's body against the bed while stretching her. Ruki listened to her gasp and cry his name while filled with carnal desire and the instinct-- the need to claim Skye.

After several rougher humps and gradual progress, he fully outstretched her and slid his fleshy bulb past her lips, pushing it into her hole and hearing a concluding groan from his owner.

"Nhgg! Fhckk, Rukii..." Skye winced. She'd gritted her teeth upon him forcing his knot through her hole, although her vagina was more than prepared for it, so it felt better than it didn't. She loved that he'd committed to knotting her. Skye was his, and he needed to prove so, force it on her if need be.

She rolled her hips against his shaft while thick fluid filled her, his warmth covering her walls and back as he collapsed on top of her. His cock throbbed wildly, spurting more strings of his cum inside and painting her walls with it while Skye listened to him pant.

She would have a hard time pretending nothing happened.

When It Hurts The Most

Julie was on top of her blanket later that night, stripped of all clothing she wore to Angie's room and in a new tee and panties while Midnight was on the floor. He hadn't joined her, and she hadn't asked him to. She held her aching stomach she heard...

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Watching Her Go

Abby watched Jenna grow farther, walking a valley of bodies. "She's making a mistake..." she said to herself, lowering her rifle after Jenna cleared the mile. "Why didn't you stop her then?" the male defender on her right asked. "Mind it." Abby...

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