Adventures of Colin - Chapter 1 [Commission]
She used her go to mental exercise to try and psyche herself up, build some sort of resistance. she wasn't the smartest, but her body more than made up for it.
Time Together, Time Apart (part five of seven)
**Time Together, Time Apart** **Part five of seven** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Adagiodajiang_ _ _ _ _ The fox would never understand how two moments could be so far apart. One moment, he was...
Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 36: Trouble Me (We Go Down Together Part II)
The last few days we had been running errands for the new resistance, which had grown unnaturally quiet. like something big was going on but they weren't saying anything.
Mary's Nightmare
**Mary's Nightmare** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Thisguyintherobes_ _ _ _ _ "Maaaary..." The horse stirred, rolling her head from side to side as she swam through the depths, up and up and up, back to the...
In Gods We Thrust Part 1 Daddy Dearest
But to my surprise after only a slight resistance he tilted his ass up and surrendered to my attack. he moaned in complete submission as i plowed into places that only i'd ever been before.
The Second Law - Part VII
One final slam landed straight into the side of the yangurra's lungs, forcing him to cough instead of resist silently. "i'm sorry though. i guess i'm... sort of mad at you for leaving me alone and making me think you were gone forever.
The Item, Appraised
From the moment you brought him out onto the walkway, the way you played the strong, silent, muscled-bound wall preventing him from escaping complemented his resilience and resistance quite well.
Erotic Spells for Pathfinder
The subject of this spell can make a save to resist this attempt. if successful, she feels a moment of pain, but nothing more.
15th December
Her muscles quivered from the exhaustion of resisting and finally her pussy could not resist anymore.
Z'nth's Tickle Training.
''you have to, z'nth, if you can't resist the tickling, you'll never defeat that dreaded g'glynn! you'll have to continue resisting, and i promise you'll resist to all kinds of tickling! even when you're extremely ticklish!
Concept for RP / RPG or game.
Your opponent's resistance to finger is 1 result: 10-1 = 9 note: if the target has resistance (by type) to the attacker, the action's resistance is doubled. 9 is the amount of stamina that the component will lose.
The Goat Suit
I mean, who can resist me?