“Den Of The Okami-Joo” - (Commission For Gogog)
Standing triumphantly before her is a she wolf. a she wolf on two legs. the figure is tall. at least six feet. her shoulders broad. the form is very feminine. wide powerful hips. thick heavily muscled thighs and legs. a large supple ass.
A new chance
Otto nods mesmerized, eryn smiles and opens the door, the she-wolf enters for it taking otto's hand to pull him in. the bloodhound has no time to say something while his hand is pulled by the she-wolf.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:33
The she-wolf said, uncrossing her arms and adjusting her shirt sleeves. despite her preparation, the she-wolf simply gestured back to the dough in dawn's bowl. "show me what ya got darlin'." audrey said with a smirk.
No more secrets
The other woman laughs impishly just like the she-wolf. "well you also had your opportunity with him." antonette says while she looks at the she-wolf. "i am sure that i will have more opportunities with him."
Apex Prey [Commission]
Hot, humid breath puffed out across him again and again, the she-wolf drawing deep of his scent and learning who he was.
Primal Energy and the Hunt story
Its gaze locked onto a she-wolf who gazed at the sky. the she-wolf, exposing her sexy body, found herself seized by strong claws that lifted her as the werewolf leaped powerfully, twirling her beneath him.
Sorority: Night of Bells.
He stayed focused on his prize, much to the guilty relief of the she-wolf.
Believe – Chapter 25: Conclusion
The warm voice of the she-wolf ripped her out of her thoughts. she turned to the she-wolf who raised to her paws and began to take a few steps towards the hillside.
New Ways Die Hard
"also" the she-wolf added, "summon this wolf as well. we require his unique abilities and experiences." she handed him a note.
Forbidden Desires
Another thrust, rougher than the first, had the she-wolf rocking below him, her body shifting underneath his before she whimpered.
Full Moon Mating - The Forest
Even the werewolf was smart enough to know that the she-wolf calling to him was that woman. the woman he marked. the woman he changed.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:40
Dorian glanced back up at the she-wolf, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. "vernon ain't in doubt about his intuition." audrey said. "and neither am i." the she-wolf's grin widened, revealing her fangs.