Open Office - Chapter 2
Sounds like he cares about you a lot," zander remarked. "he does, yeah. he's a horse, named lane," jacob said. zander smiled softly. "well, he sounds great. maybe someday i can meet him," the dragon commented.
Venturing: Gonna Dough
zander, natty and ozkun laughed a bit while i rolled my eyes in annoyance and motioned zander. he nodded and kept talking. zander informed us that the dragon was a journalist. indicated by the camera that he was holding onto with his two claws.
How I Met Your Mother(s)
zander blushed a bit at her coy behavior, and greeted her back.
Ricky vs Zander [Birthday beatdown]
He then starting things off with a few quick jabs to zander's abs. zander passes a few snorts as he keeps that furry brick wall tensed. "forgot, you a boxer too? looks like you have some good form." "thanks.
To Rule the Future
zander's reached for the heavens, while remase's reached for the earth. they chanted under their breath, while the two chieftains stared each other down. remase's clubs slowed, and zander forced himself to take several deep breaths. _this is it.
Venturing: Underbeats
As she does, zander shifted his vision and glanced around the area a bit. "it is too dark in here." zander commented after a brief pause of silence, "very dark."
Venturing: Upmorning
I pouted but said nothing as i was escorted out by zander. kyro and natty rejoined us. zander broke the silence, "guess yang is right. that thing is virtual..." "and a ghost," i added after zander.
Open Office - Chapter 7
"you always have a choice," zander said.
Open Season Chapter 01: Illegitimati Non Carbonum
They awoke in a stone cellar, their wrists bound lenora's in front, zander's behind his back. "oh zander honey, where are we? what's happening to us?" lenora cried out. "i don't know baby, but nobody treats zander cothose this way, nobody!
Venturing: What Third
zander read it outloud to me, "'with nine boxes, count the prime numbers.'" zander turned to me, "what are boxes?" "i think our culprit meant, safes."
Venturing: Beli’s Rung
zander remarked, me and kyro opened our mouths to say something but we had remained silent afterwards. as we looked shocked, yang nodded her head over to zander before adding, "both chaos and neither were focus upon their battle plans.
Tribal Story: To Rule the Future
zander's reached for the heavens, while remase's reached for the earth. they chanted under their breath, while the two chieftains stared each other down. remase's clubs slowed, and zander forced himself to take several deep breaths. _this is it.