Manageing shares

"we got a quart of firewood in the back, that's all." zoe replied. the guard looked sceptical, "how far have you travelled just to gather some firewood?"

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 4

"my hands are full with firewood!" "so put down the firewood, idiot!" "why's it taking you so long just to refill a couple of skins? maybe if you didn't spend all your time lollygagging we wouldn't be in this - ow!

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The Chronicles of Eurenia: The Svaria War (Chapter Three)

"i'm gonna get some firewood too, you're right." "yeah." "be right back." "'kay." jamsin was a few feet away, i said this as a joke. "later can i suck ur dick?!"

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Fire and Ice - Reforged -

Gazing around, she seen the woods turning - leaves gone from the vibrant green of spring, to the reds, yellows and tans of fall - all too soon would the winter come and she needed as much firewood as she could cut before then.

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Mythical Tales Chapter 2: Miu's Mercs

"if you want to help go get some firewood" so we head back into the forest to find some firewood. when we get back, our arms laden with wood, the others have finished pitching their tents and have broken off into pairs, attending different tasks.

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Our Mother the Mountain

A woman came out of the woods with armfuls of firewood and coyote felt his tail wag instantly in response. the girl was just like him; a canine on two legs, but she was wearing somewhat less traditional clothes.

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Summer FY 01 - Survival Camping

He just shook his head and went back to collecting firewood. she made such a fuss over nothing, so it was a little gross, so what?

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Underdogs E1C1

The tent had been emptied for the trip prior and now contained a couple of bedrolls and some extra supplies as well as firewood and a tinderbox for lighting it.

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Threshold|Strangelands, pt. 1

Ralph then exited the car and began his search for firewood, and he hoped for some peace to be sent his way too.

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Travelers in the dark

Edan gave me a hand with the firewood. his side of our assemblage was better than mine. it was _better_! my squire soon began to correct my own disposition of the logs, marking the very first time since i'd hired him that he'd been a benefit.

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