Los Señores Del El Diablo

He could easily bite all of us and unmask us again after fucking us." "luckily, mr. masters' venom works the same way. we will train and prepare before going against my brother. trust me; i've worked out all the details; all that we need now is you.

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You Huff Like a Vixen

This sudden unmasking dispelled that theory. "worry not," sunflower said at length, and guided reive's gold laden hands to the buckles of his cuirass. "for once, you don't need to say anything."

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The Blessing and The Curse - Part 19 & Epilogue

My decision to carry out this act was not made rashly; i swore that i would only do this if i feared that the secret of my power was endangered to the point that carrying on any longer would unmask me.


A Birthday for Kim

Some even watched her with unmasked arousal. she sobbed and tried to wiggle away from the large dog fucking his too-large cock into her undeveloped pussy, but it only seemed to drive him onward.

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an unexpected night

A light flickered to life unmasking the stranger. "difero! it's you... what are you doing down here?" difero looked michael up and down briefly to admire the jet black coat of fur that covered his body.

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The doppelganger...

"yes, he needs to make excuses for when i unmask him." the doppelganger replied. "i don't know which model i prefer? they're both obnoxious, grumpy smart alecs." javid said, provoking a roll of laughter from my friends.

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Weapons of Eurynome

Only a few went unmasked when in public, and those that did lived in central tower, also known as center tower; the prototypical arcology structure that all towers created after it were based upon and the capital of new landon, the country they were currently

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Tales from Anthracite City 6: Welcome to Anthracite City part 4

The unmasked rabbit asked as casually as if she was asking about the weather or local celebrities. "intelligent, unintelligent, or environmental?"

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For Science!

The longer she lingered in the rat's unmasked presence, absorbing whatever corrupting essence poured off of her, the more enthralled she grew.

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Chapter one: The Dance of Death

Because of this he was picked upon quite often by the other children in the village, and regarded with unmasked suspicion from the adults. they thought he was a 'freak', something evil.

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 38

I threw them over the third man, already unmasked. we were missing one. fred and martin were resting against the wall, healing. theirs and frank's clothing were ripped and bloody. tom didn't show any sign of having been in a gun fight.

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