When the Costume Controls You
ginger and hazel, hazel and ginger.
The Arrival of the Fiery Horse story
The fiery horse, exhausted but sated, withdraws slowly from the ginger wolf's intimate embrace.
The King Goes Out on a Data
As he dried himself, he wondered what ginger looked like, but thought it best to surprise himself when he saw her. ginger was ready some time later, dressed in her usual clothes- semi skimpy, but comfortable.
Angela in scales(not the piano kind)
Angela said ginger that serpent could be anywhere. ginger this is not the time to be a scaredy cat. hey said the kitten. hey give him a break hank tom and ben said in unison. they decided to call it a night. aren't you gonna go said hank.
Witch Blood 13
Baba ginger asked innocently. "uhm ... well," rhea flushed and tried to curl her non-existent limbs into a ball. "ooohhh," baba ginger cooed and then she leered. "was there sex involved?"
Jamie's moans grew louder as trish, tanya, and ginger moved closer.
Toffee's More Experimental Side, Part 2 - To The Next Step (Star vs. The Forces of Evil Crossover Fanfiction)
Pat and chelsea soon saw mark and ginger kissing at the door. "ginger, what's wrong now," pat inquired. ginger looked at mark's female housemates with a grin.
Age: 20 cause of death: pushed into blade trap by ginger ingrid g. leopard. age 25 cause of death: neck snapped by peter w peter w. reindeer. age 27 cause of death: stabbed in the eye by ginger **winner** ginger c. rabbit.
Seven Minutes in Heaven
Slowly they moved from their entangled position, raven pinning down ginger at the wrists, their breasts, raven's much larger than ginger's nearly flat chest, squishing together, their upper and lower lips both locking in deep, wet kisses, one filled with moans
Timothy and Nora, Ch.4 : Seven!
#4 of timothy and ginger timothy plays with his cousin while ginger is sick on his birthday, and he learns that nora is more cunning than he'd ever expected. of all the miserable luck! today was my birthday, but ginger was home sick.
Bio Weapon part 1
He followed behind them, ginger grinned as she licked his tip, catching him off guard.
Meet Me in the Alley 2 (Patreon)
ginger perked up her eyebrows in surprise as she became suddenly eclipsed. "woaw now," she giggled and took a step back. "at least tell me your names first."