Tamara's discovery
Tamara's discovery Tamara, a green dragoness, sits on her bed looking around her room. "Finally. a place of my own." she says laying back and letting out a sigh. She turns her head to the side and looks at the posters on the wall. She looks the...
Part 1: Husky in Love
He yelled at the top of his lungs "fuck me rayne!" and cam hard onto his chest and stomach. his white belly fur became knatted from the heavy load of cum, but seber didn't care, he was too busy thinking of rayne.
Captured Tai Lung
.** ** holding a dagger and bowl, vachir knelt down before tai lung's sex. he put his hoof on his crotch and looked up, tai lung made an affectation of indifference.
He drew out his demands, forcing her to bellow at the top of her lungs: "fuck me!" dex plunged inside. he made sure to have his hips angled just right to achieve penetration immediately.
Stud Farm Stallion
Stomping a front hoof, the stallion tossed his head proudly and shoved his head into saburo's stomach, knocking the breath briefly from his lungs. "fuck off, bruno." the okapi's cheeks were red and not from the cold. "not now, okay?"
Bound To Happen (Tails x Rouge)
Crying out in agony rouge had to breath heavily to recompose herself "i said say it louder" continuing to fuck her ass with brutal force she cried out at the top of her lungs "fuck me tails fuck me harder" tails happily obliged griping onto her body as close
Elsewhere, Chapter 10: Intercept Course
_" she shifted her aim and exploded a third tentacle, all the while continuing to shriek at the top of her lungs. "fuck you, you motherfuckers!"
The Long Gift—Chapter 6
With one last thrust, she screams at the top of her lungs, "fucking aaaayyyyy!" and fills jaime's love with her cum. another orgasm hits leneth as the pornstar delivers her goods. as her face contorts in pleasure, lenneth looks at jaime.
Damaging Smuggled Goods
Got any more screams in those lungs?" _"fuck off,"_ desmond loathsomely rasped to sovy. it made the dragon grin big and wide. "there we go, atta boy," he sniggered. often when sovy got laid, he liked to leave his knot where it was.
Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks
In one fluid motion he yanked that toy from his grandfather's ass, brought his cock up to that stretched hole, and thrust right in, the old dog gasping as if the air had been forced from his very lungs. "fuck!"
From Hot-Shot to Sex-Pot 4
Falco shouted at the top of their lungs. "fuck me, i can't take it anymore. just fuck me, fuck me right into the bed! use me as hard as you want, fill me up, do whatever you want, just as long as you fuck me and make me cum!"
The Leopard and his Panda
And senseless seemed to be what po was becoming as tai lung fucked him so hard. his cock throbbed as he had another orgasm. however, after orgasming twice already, po was already shooting blanks.