Despite the cruelty of scott, he couldn't live as an emotional hermit for all his life. when the door rang, reis almost jumped a little. sitting up, he got to his feet and crossed to the door.
Necessary Cruelty
The TV flickered lazily as Maxwell floped down on the leather cushion, tapping his tail a few times on the floor as he scrolled through channel after channel of useless, boring, commercialized content. If anyone asked, he was honestly not sure why he...
The Cruelty of Kindness
My father lay dying because of their cruelty, my family torn forever more because of their belief that my kind were naught but animals destined to be worked to death in their mines.
Amaru - Cruelty
Amaru - cruelty after the night with khar she walked out on the streets again. always hidden in the alley and away from the others. the normal people, the people with suits, partners and homes. all what she didn't had, no home, no job, no lover.
Nature's Cruelty
This was a cruelty he couldn't cope with. in these moments he realized he was never really prepared to live on his own in a place like this. 'please... stop...' his pathetic little cries went unheard as she licked him again.
Shaped Like Cruelty
--1 Anybody who saw Sammy thought he was very lucky. Sitting at either side of him were ladies who could have passed for twins, the both of them exotic mixes of Doberman and jackal blood. One was colored more typically of her Doberman side, which was...
Fables - Animal's Cruelty
The heat was hell, even compared to normal Texas weather, but Will was having a good day. FUReonix 2014 was in full swing and he was here with the only two people he'd ever want to be with, in a sweltering hot convention center filled with fursuits...
The Cruelty of his Lover
Is her cruelty in its ultimate form simply what a poor german shepherd pup craves above all else? he lacks a choice in the matter. warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning warning harsh kinks.
Giant Kobold Cruelty
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Moru?" "Come now, Drex. I've been working these extracts since I was fresh from the egg. If you actually doubt me, I'm sure I can find someone else who'd like to go to the surface. Maybe Irla, since she-" "That's...
On the Nature of Dragons: Cruelty
cruelty** silver and gold seared through the gloom of the cavern as steel clashed against scale, illuminating rust-eaten armor lying blackened and burnt in beds of molten treasure.
Eventide - VII
**Chapter VII** "It's a wonder you survived long enough for me to spare your pathetic life. I can hardly imagine that you have ever raised a finger, let alone performed a day's work!" Illatryx grumbled into the otherwise empty...
On the Torment of Scylla and the Cruelty of Glowcow
She would free circe's slaves and together they would repair the palace and live the rest of their lives free of the bonds of fate and the cruelty of jealous gods. and thus ends the tale of circe and glaucus.