There are graves that we can dance upon, and winds that we may spit into, far better use of time, i think, than slamming fist and pick-axe down into earthmother, who grants us life, and in return we rape her riches to wear but once and toss aside
Eat The Rich
As the rich girl writhed uncomfortably and felt the mounting panic of her situation, tau knelt on the floor. he again reached under his bed for more rope, which he returned with in spades.
Two Rich
#1 of two rich 1 of two rich fred let his suitcase crash to the floor. he was finally ready to relax inside his hotel. a top rated hotel of course, nothing else would do for crawford family. he had had a long day.
Rich In Health
(F tf Hybrid Dragon / Golden Toad) Bai is a Chinese woman, who survived one unfortunate situation to find herself in another. Her family had run afoul of a noble family who had finally arrived at their doorstep to defend their honor. Bai was...
Riches to Rags
The bear said loudly, his voice gruff and rich, like smoldering cedar and hot iron that had been slathered in honey.
Rich Vacation
In exchange, they tend to the place and have to deal with us swanky rich assholes and our whims." he took a sip of his drink. "treat 'em well, and they'll treat you well.
A Rogue's Riches
A rogue's riches by von krieger sashi pokes her head around the corner of the stairwell, looking out for any strange traps, tricks, or yucky monsters. she'd already run into a pack of wolves and a gelatinous cube intent on having her for lunch.
Rich Bitch
#1 of rich bitch adult content ahead!
Break the Rich
This is a sequel to eat the rich and holy shit i didn't know that story was two years old. have i really been writing this long??
Expensive Toys
Fuck the rich, right? and when it's over a mile of shark girl doing the fucking, it's not likely there will be survivors.
Joining the Vermintide (Parts 1 - 3.5!)
As a human, his bank of scents had been incredibly low, and he was uncertain whether or not so specific a trail would carry over into this form, rich and layered as scents were to his sensitive new nose.
Slave Labor Pt. 4
It was just a few more steps up to the doorway, and then in to meet the other rich members of shen's world. the canine knew this, and knew shen would be with him every single step of the way.