The Wolf Soul - Part Three

User=153004&character=0&clevel=2) aaron blackpaw]( "aaron blackpaw") 's commission of excitement events, indeed, i do hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter, and i look forward to hearing your comments

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The Lead Crown: Ch 9.1a, Accountability

"danger, kesst... life-changing danger. but i am not worried and you should not be either. we have one another, and we have sir crook.

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The Hunter of Baile Chapter 1: A Boy and his Farm

If north the boy had not been combing north the horse in the stables that day, and had he not taken a dip in a manure bath earlier, chances are the life changing encounter between north, the pup, not the horse, and his future mentor would never have taken

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Percy's Life Part 3 - Out of the Closet

It was easily the most life-changing, most painful and hardest event to occur in my life thus far, but without it i probably would never have found my true place in this world! and that would have been a really sad thing.

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[c] The Savored Sting

That changed after a life-changing night in which she had learned true pleasure while breeding with some of calistria's own favored creatures, enormous bugs who had sent her heart racing with lustful fire and brought her delight she never would have considered

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You Look Familiar

He thought back to exactly how he'd been made to cum for the _first_ time on that incredible, life changing night. he licked his lips, and grinned eagerly as he followed on behind his past self, admiring his own tight, fluffy tailed ass.

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Beyond the Backline

It was... well, as ridiculous as it sounds, life changing. it held the hug for a good ten seconds, then let go. it looked slightly embarrassed, if i was reading the expression correctly.

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Devotion - A Goddess's Displeasure

It has been so life-changing. tik tik has met new friends and learned so many new things. i think that the life i had would not satisfy me." "you have regrets. tell me, what is the purpose of this travel of yours?

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The awaking

When he enters an abandoned temple after another unsuccessful fight, he finds the statue of hanuman, a hindu monkey god and his life changes completely. two langur monkeys stared at each other while they moved in circles.

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