Close Encounter
For an alien hybrid he was put together in all the right ways. strong, thick legs. powerful arms, a nice chest, and a cute gut. even was his face was growing to be more comforting the more he looked at it. kay struggled to follow his words as he spoke.
StarFox: Dinosaur planet and Harvester Rescue
General Pepper visited the StarFox Subspace HQ to find a naked Fox McCloud sleeping on Andross' bundled tentacles. Peppy asked General Pepper if he could leave a message for Fox saying what his next destination will be. An hour later, Fox...
The Long Gift—Chapter 23
Keywords: fox vixen female tiger male cheetah herm hermaphrodite outer space space ship stargazing alien hybrid nudity wisdom cat cock arousal humor best friends minneapolis minnesota college student yiffy yiff zmeydros
Take Out or Delivery
Though there was a brief bit of squirming lightning could eventually feel his muzzle start to push down into another chamber that he guessed was the stomach of the alien hybrid.
Pepper VS Temptation - Part 11
When i had to tell them that you lied about her existence and became an alien hybrid behind my back, they deployed two subs with mark 48 torpedoes.
Trick or Treat
The slight reddish hue and narrowing but fat head on this foot-long appendage was not human nor wolf but an alien hybrid between the two.
Drift - 01 - Dog Days
The last time he had heard about augmentation, his ship had been turned into some sort of human-alien hybrid. still, the words sunk into his head a moment later. "you want to turn me into a dog man?" dustin asked.
The Hive Begins
Previously, lia hadn't minded, as getting to school early allowed her some study time in the library, but now that she was a hyper sexual alien hybrid who could either snap and rape some random woman or be captured by the government and dissected, the eighteen-year-old
Without Mercy
Never mind the fact that these new alien hybrid weapons were vastly more potent than any weapon humanity had ever created.
An unforgettable trip
The alien hybrid lived within him and acted as an exoskeleton for the real body, the draconic one that had fully merged with the alien. he discovered how easy was for him to change his appearance to whatever he had in mind.
Alien vs Predator: Insemination Ch. 5: Secreted From What?
Hissing, the dreadlocked alien hybrid pulled the human female to him and sat her atop him so that his large cock was sandwiched between her thighs and rubbing against the juicy cleft of her pink pussy.
Ere We Be Were
An elongated snout and sharp, dagger-like teeth made it look like some kind of space-alien hybrid or horror movie prop. curious if both were identical, he exposed the second object and confirmed his suspicion.