A Localized Source of Magic
Once, he created a 'security spell' that trapped the wusky in it while he was coincidentally out at the store, coming back to release him from the bondage spell and the cock milker that had popped out during it.
Milking Prison Restitution 4
Her cheeks burned as she felt the rubber suction clamps sealing around her nipples, but nothing matched the feeling of her cock being unlocked and the rapidly-stiffening eight-inch length being fed into the cock milker.
Child Limit Laws
She clicks the machine on then attaches a sucking penis milker to the end of his growing erection. "look at you getting hard." snipes flinches with a moan as the wet and warm suction of the milker sucks itself up the length of snipe's dick.
He used most of his savings to buy an industrial cock milker in order to drain the emissions of his overly healthy testicles. it was actually a dark time for thomas.
Slip and Sleep (pt2)
"you crave to make out of every slave mammals you encounter nothing but your foot servants, your cock milkers, your worshippers. your true call is to break them with hypnosis and make them one way or another into your enslavable and hypnotized fuck toys."
Milking Kaimana the Crusher
Her cock milkers chose then to switch on. she had not been prepared for the texture of them. the outer bands of metal hid a silicone interior, ridged to create a sense of texture and depth.
Benders and Berries
He should have told horros to put the cock milker on him first.
Virility Plague 4
Men's bathrooms were retrofitted with industrial grade penis milkers so male citizens could empty themselves into the now reinforced plumbing network with convenience and a measure of cleanliness.
Overcorrection - Commission for Ame1996
This was a flood of pleasure his body and mind were not equipped for, not even after that tremendous orgasm he had unloaded on the cock milker which was still running next to him. "huhhhhhh... doc... what's-? oh god... fuck... i..."
Horny Herm Housewives Book Club
"we can go out, get dinner at that nice new bar with the cock milkers set up under the tables... i know you like them a lot." anthony moaned loudly as his father kept on jerking him off in the entrance of the house.
Spellbound Reflection
Though the seats were empty they continued to make the motions as though there was someone there, using the stand to support the cock milker as they slid it down the shafts of the two creatures.
Swollen and Needy
A cock-milker like that should have been the easiest thing to get a load from him but the conflicting contraptions worked against one another, the steady, pulsing pace of the suction and the milker not breaking in stride.