"uhn, yeah! yeah, yeah, _yeah,"_ tallulah droned as desmond slobbered. he had such a big, wide tongue and so much silky hair for her to yank on.
Anal, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Ass, BBW, Bareback, Bedroom, Big Boobs, Big Tits, Boobs, Breast, Breast Fondling, Cervine, Chubby, Cock, Commission, Cowgirl, Cum, Cunnilingus, Dick, Drunken Fun, Ejaculation, Erection, Explicit, Female, Female Ejaculation, Femboi, Femboy, Fondling, Foreplay, Fox, Foxcoon, French Kissing, Fucking, Handjob, Hard-On, Heavypetting, Heterosexual, House, Jugs, Laugh, Licking, M/F, Male, Messy, Missionary, Moose, Multiple Species, Naked, Naughty, Nipples, Nude, Nudity, Oral, Orgasm, Partial Strip, Penetration, Penis, Pussy, Raccoon, Raccoon/Fox, Riding, Rough, Rough Sex, Seed, Sex, Short, Short Story, Spooge, Straight, Uncut, Vagina, Vaginal, Wet