Chapter 2: Joining the War Effort, Saving Lives, Facing Voldemort, Forming a Pack.

I woke up in a cold sweat with my blankets pooled around my waist and a sense of foreboding. I shook my head as the dreams quickly faded leaving me with nothing but the sense of foreboding and a memory of an explosion. I slowly got up and prepared for...

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Chapter 1: My first day at Gene high.

Yours truly jake shadowwolf hi i'm jake shadow wolf, my dad is jason wolf genetech's top genetecist, and my mom is rianna shadows.

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The Origin of Nevyn and Arzosah

This story takes place after jake shadow wolfs story a not so average high school life. (recommend you read it before you read this) chapter zero intro.

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Changing Fates: Chapter 1: An introduction to the company, and a glimpse of death.

Legal bull: first off any and all characters belong to me, jake fedor aka jake shadow wolf, unless stated otherwise in a later entry.

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Chapter 1: Arrival of New Heroes, Returning Home, Awakening of the Chosen.

Legalities: I don't own pokémon, nor any of the characters associated with the series. It and all those associated with it belong to Nintendo, Gamefreak, and any other companies that have claim to it. I do however own all the original characters in...

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A game of Potions and Magic. Chapter 1: Getting the Game.

Legal: this story is copyrighted to yours truly jake shadow wolf, aka jake fedor. this story involves original characters. this is an adult story thereby if you're underage i can't be held responsible and if you're reading it at work shame on you.

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Tournament of Demaria Island Prologue: A challenge to the fourteen Clans

Legalities: this story is and some characters are copyrighted to me jake shadow wolf. other characters are copyright to their respective owners, who will be made known as they appear. with that said this is an adult story so if your underage turn back.

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Chapter 1: Going Over My Memories, From Both Lives, And My Journey Begins, Kinda?

I laid in bed groaning as two sets of memories played out before my mind. The first, the backstory I'd crafted for my character Jacob, Jake or "Red" Okami. The other, my life as Jason Cross, a writer from the sol system, planet earth, who'd just been...

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Prologue: The Bugged Game Leads to the Appearance of a Tired “God” Turned Pokemon Trainer

Have you ever ended up feeling regret over your life choices? For any reason whatsoever, even let's say buying a single player Full Dive VR game, only to find out it's bugged to hell, and somehow end up in another world? Yes to the first, no to the...

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Excerpt from Chapter 6 part 4 of Asterion Academy

I tapped the controls a few times then my scanner beeped and said "Voice command activated." Lady Shandi raised an eyebrow at me and said "You don't know everything about your scanner? Well the only ones who can access the voice command are the ones...

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