
He nodded, and conversation changed direction for a while. they were not aware that al and ceres were also getting to know one another. perversely, the pokémons' chosen topic was perhaps more ponderous.

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Tribal Tendancies - Chapter 2

dialouge changes and spelling and grammar fixes. _the following story is loosely based on influences from disney's "the lion king" and "the lion guard" but does not actually interfere with the timeline regarding that franchise.

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The topic of conversation changed. "ack! are you sure we've no food? at all?" she groaned. "well that's partially why donnie and cynthia went shopping. bread, milk, eggs..."

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Japanese Exchange

Anyways, we're not going to get anywhere just talking. change clothes, shower, eat, and let's go out house shopping!" she paused. "oh, i get the shower first!" she raced to the bathroom before haru even had a chance to get up.

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Twokinds: Establishing Relations - Chapter 1

They both blushed, and the tone of their silent conversation changed. after a few more moments, keith cleared his throat. "... would you?"

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Zootopia - Life of a trio - Chapter 17

.- blush returned to her face as the tone of the conversation changed completely.- i didn't plan this at all, i just rolled with it, but i think we could count it as such, can't we?

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Reyori's Tryst with Onyxia

Though the flow of the conversation changes when onyxia's fingers drift from the base of her ear and move to cup her head and gently guide her closer.

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The Candle of Lust - Part 1.txt

"um, if, if you don't mind my asking...", he continued, grimacing at the haste of the conversation change, even as he glanced to the leather bound box that the other was handling, "what is it, exactly, that you sell, dregna?

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Burning for you - Smoke & Mirrors

Fyre could feel the tone of the conversation change. his ears flattened as he felt katrina's discomfort. "well, the... place that he was in... the institution shut down, there aren't any others of its kind in kanto.

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Dreams of wrestling

Quite people in suits talking, changing card; not getting drunk, throwing up, punching each other...well ok one fight but still better than the average football game.

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Lawful and Indecent, Part Seven: The Overwhelming

Chief had dominated every conversation. changing his shift for the parking lot on monday. allowing him to enter the strip club. all in the face of imminent danger, yet he didn't bat an eye. _"no clothes, no exceptions,"_ he said.

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