Shiloniap Culture

pecking = more verbal violence than physical pecking. often done to establish character and dominance. objects: words and terms you might want to know. argonium = a brown gemstone similar to earth's sapphires and emeralds.

Finding One's Way; Chapter 3 - Luke

At the end of the dream, he gave me a peck on the cheek, and the heat from the kiss spread fast through my whole body. it was one of the best dreams i had ever had.

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2 : Cuckolding

He grabbed my paw and pecked me on the side of my muzzle, without regard for a few wayward classmates who could be roaming the halls. he walked onward, dragging me along, and i shoved my phone in my pocket.

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GBL High: Chapter Two

Jenny said, leaning in to peck the tiger quickly on the cheek, "happy birthday my boy." dale said, holding his paw out and shaking the small males paw before the two left. they knew they were intervening like parents did.

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It was a small mutual peck, but both poured as much love and affection as they could into each other's lips. it'd been three months since they last kissed, and the longing was as physical as the flesh and bone in their snouts.

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Odd Wolf Out: Chapter three

Wagging his tail, swagger pecked his muzzle into runt's. "thanks, pup." runt grinned as he turned to leave, followed by claudette and smokey. what happened next caught the trio off guard.

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Final Eggnancy VII: Epilogue

"won't be long i think, they are moving in the shell, but not pecking yet." cloud said, as one of his chicks demonstrated this, felt under him as a source of joy.

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Kingdom crisis: awakening

His barbs over stimulated me and i shot my load on my pecks. my ass held a tight vice grip on his cock but it didn't stop him from pushing his cock deep within me.

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choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 8

The first of your pokémon to go down was ali, a few pecks and he was down for the count, you quickly returned him into his pokeball so he wouldn't sustain any further attacks.

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First, Again

He whimpered and kissed rory back in a similar way, but he let his lips linger there for a moment or two longer than just a peck.

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