Ties that bind

Placing it in front of ian, "you have had a rough life. not for me to go making it worse. besides, you're cute and i could use the company about as much as you." ian blushed, lowering his ears again while looking at the bowl.

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The bodysuit already covered his hands, so the act of wearing the gloves could almost certainly be considered overcompensating, but give him a break, he had rough life as a kid.

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Chapter 21: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

He had a pretty rough life, to say the least, and with the set of parents and brothers and sister he had to grow up with probably didn't do any better on him as well. i sighed then walked over to him, making my decision.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 50: Teach Me to Love You

"we've got rough life, i know, but they can't stop being bitches about it. no, though, we don't usually kill people. it's one of those rules thingy tom made, 'don't kill people without valid reasons'." 'we'...? did that mean tom used to kill people?

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The Districts: Vaska's Gambit

._ the fox struggled, but she was stronger than him, having lived a rough life on the streets. soon, his movements grew sluggish, and his eyes fluttered as he inhaled the burning vapors over and over again.

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The Offering of the Fangs 2, chapter 7

"anabelle had a rough life, elise," somberly sighed rose, flicking her black tail. "there's a reason why no one in the village ever knew she even existed, but i'm not comfortable talking about it without her being present." "yeah, me either.

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Waxing Moon Ch. 7 - Full Moon

I mean always... you'd cheer me up, make me laugh, make me smile... you... you always offered to help me... you know what a rough life i've had... you're the only one that knows... and the only one that cares..."

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Oh God, Where Art Thou?

I lived a rough life. it wasn't always this way. the brotherhood was to blame. so maybe i was taking it out on everyone else. this one was closer to the mark than many others from my past.                "listen up bitch!

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Seventh Entry

Some wolfen set up halls and rough villages in places where they are the unchallenged rulers of the area, and follow a simple, rough life of basic vassalage, with the lord and lady of the hall giving out favors to those below them, and receiving allegiance

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The Simple Things. Chapter Nineteen.

"he had a very...rough life. i can't blame him, fully for it. and it's not like i can just kick him out. he has no where else to go." richard said almost like a saint making me frown.

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Tale of the Winter Prince Chapter 1: A Boy, His Dog, and Their Dragon

They seemed good natured, but i had a pretty rough life so it wasn't easy for me to be accepted. the spotted feline spoke up, "i'm decland, and this," he pointed to the nude canine, "is my dog, hachiko. we are here on vacation with my parents.

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A Girl, a Carpet, and a Genie - Commission for Tazzmo70

I've seen the rough life you've lived and what you've done with it. you never complained, even though you have every right to. you never meant to burden anyone and helped every time that you could.

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