Dress 2 Impress

I had to wait after gracie was born until agny got back home, but we'll be getting things started tonight. i'm so glad you found a good buck, especially one that likes your quirks, and he looks better in a dress than you do.

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Story Commission: Mr. Brown X Mukiro (Kitt)

"g'day, roger macalla and gracie jenson's place here." roger's voice said chipperly. "we're not home right now so please leave us a message after the beep." 'of course, one of those infernal machines.' orson thought sullenly.

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Super Hero draft

Nighty night gracie." lifting her head again a while later, crystal groaned as that throbbing was still there making her head hurt. the room was dark, and she could see stars outside the window against the far wall.

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Be Careful What You Look for...And Where.

"shut the 'ell up gracie! i don't think this one's into birds much." "sorry 'bout that sir. she hasn't seen much action lately. none of 'em 'ave. they're going to get desperate pretty soon and they'll be doing it for free!"

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Swiss Mix – Chapter 551-575

"he might not be ready to dump gracie yet, however. to convince him to get rid of her, and not replace her with yet another bimbo, you'll need to be at least as good in bed as gracie is, wouldn't you agree?

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