The Volantis Corps-Ch5

Nelson, i'm sure he'd love to skewer your ass for reprimanding one of his charges." "i'm sorry what was that rank? a lt. col.? gonna have to do better than that honey." "what the fuck, adler? respect the woman. she just saved my life."

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In the Unknown-Chapter 4

"boy, he must've been pissed and probably demanded a reprimand for that maneuver especially making him look like a complete idiot in front of everyone that was watching." she answered with a chuckle of her own.

The Wolf and his Prey Chapter 8

Amy said, reprimanding him. "you could have died!? do you have any idea how stupid you are!?" amy told him. "the lion was going to shoot you, you would have died, i pushed you out of the way. hehe i guess i was in the way when the gun went off."

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The Wolf and His Prey Chapter 4

Amy reprimanded herself in her head. it was like an elephant poking its head out of a circus tent. she put her purse on her lap. luckily zack was too into the movie to notice. after the movie was over zack dropped off amy at her dorm.

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Slime Study: Jelly Cube

After all, if quiquan got herself killed, then master tikkit would reprimand me for sure. as i approached the final jump, the material shifted and crumbled, and quiquan's head poked out.

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A Kitty Comments Exclusive

Patelli chuckled and wagged his finger in her face, as though her were reprimanding her for bad behavior. "nuh uh uh, miss comments. a man has to keep a secrets, so to speak.

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Ch 1 Piercing the Swordsman

Some other animals might've politely deflected the compliment, but mao always drank in his praise just as much as he was devastated by any words of reprimand.

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PTA Meeting

Every time their twin daughters got into trouble and the school tried to reprimand or discipline them, the couple would post about it on social media to make it seem like they were the victims.

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Mistress Python Chapter 1: His Mistress

She reprimanded, hissing harshly in his ear, her tail tip forcing itself into his mouth like a gag.

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The Wolf and the Sheep

She'd keep in line now, but to make sure sara would have to keep these reprimands up. she gave a shudder as her cock suddenly stiffened, her entire body freezing before releasing her load, thick, potent wolf-semen, into jackie.

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