Dark Secrets

"you're always welcome to sis. you know you don't have to ask." "okay, i'll wait for you in the bedroom." she says as she lies down on the bed in the next room. my sis and i have a special relationship.

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Big Brother's Deep Affection 1: our first night

"sis... stay quiet while i do this and i can do it without being mean, okay...?"

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Restless Night

I blushed, aria and i really took every opportunity to have sex even before our sis came. i smiled and i took one out, slowly putting in onto my thick rod.

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Furry Fuck Flick

"taking a shower now would only be a waste, sis," he says dark and gravelly against my ear. "your heat's only just started, and i don't want to waste any time. max already has a head start." "b-but...."

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A Tale of Two Demons

Her flighty sis did it without thinking, without caring at all... kala couldn't be so kind. as she followed her sis, her footfalls were deliberate.

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Whispering Twins (Part 13)

"come on sis, i'm starving, and if we go home i have to make food first." she sighed, "fine... but i'm not really hungry..." his ears dropped back and he put a hand on her leg, "sis?" "what," she said coldly.

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Its permanent

"k-keep wiggling like that sis and you just might 'disappear'~" he giggles and clenches again this time my other arm being forced to myside as i sink up to my breasts.

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Whispering Twins (Part 20)

"gotta go sis," he stated as he took a breath and put the cap back on. "if creep comes back go sit with mom and dad. they'll make him keep his distance."

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How i went from straight A student to Strait A slut. CH:2" How i ended up having sex with my brother"

"whatever you say sis, but after we're done i have a feeling you'll want me again."


In Full Bloom

"h-hey, what are you doing sis?" apple bloom laughed as she was raised up and gently tossed atop one of the big boxes of supplies. "shh," aj whispered as she got in close, noses poking together, "don't speak sis."

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