Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 84: A Grim Present And A Darker Future (Conclusion)
**_\*\*bola engaged\*\*_** **_\*\*weapon failure\*\*_** i looked at the upper right monitor in the center column to discover that the bola weapon had failed. "ok let's use the net."
A Knightly Duty
The worn-out warrior unclipped the heavy bolas from his belt. battle automatism taking over, deep breath... inhale. the dragon took one, two, three quick steps backwards. exhale.
Ember's Tribe Part II: Quarter for a Slave
Silently and with the cord of his bolas, the warrior snared ember's throat. he gripped both ends in one heavy mitt and braced against ember's skull with the other, pushing with the latter and pulling on the former.
The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (Pt 3)
They moved to comply as the cheetah finally managed to get a knife between his flesh and the rope of the bolas, and began sawing himself free. the imposing dragon approached nicholas and enarork, "i will handle these two.
Estaba bien atado con cinta adhesiva y una bola de bondage color rojo en su hocico. en pequeño charco de babas se había formado por la cantidad de horas que llevaba dentro del maletero con aquel juguete puesto en su boca.. -me cago en...
DSOTM: Atomic Tiger #1
The electro-bolas led to a few advancements in stun guns. and there was something else, something intriguing, but nothing anyone did could make it work. its secret died with the tiger who built it.
The Scent of Prey, Part 3: The Thunder Calls
Whipping his bolas out, rengar snaked a rope around one of the ursine's wrists, tugged him until the bear winced from the pain, then tied it around the other against his lower back.
Outcast - Chapter 6
I flinched at first until i saw him beginning to cut the bola off my legs. the blade was sharp and my bonds weren't the strongest, so i was free in mere moments.
Pathfinder Ch 1
Not wasting a moment, connor's hand plunged into the bag on his belt and pulled out a bola, spinning it quickly and sending it flying at the elf, you only barely avoided getting restrained. "this bastard's an elements monk!" exclaimed kainan.
The Warp (Biography)
Gloves have reinforced titanium hidden underneath, which he can use to block weapons or deliver painful backhand strikes, most especially the spinning backfist technique, also known as mat wiang klap weapons and tools: bolas, staff, two-way radio in ear with
Aquel Árbol de Salacs
Empecé a cargar una pequeña bola de energía entre mis manos, lancé esa "aura sphere", destruyendo al artefacto desde mi posición, provocando una explosión como era de esperarse, y repentinamente shaymin salió al vuelo, con una gran sonrisa y volando rápidamente
Los 5 guerreros de la luz (capitulo 3 El angel de la pureza)
-son muy buenos -el mejor espectáculo que he visto -los amamos (les grita una bola de chicas a los dos guerreros) justo cuando escucha esto max como mujeriego que es se dirige al grupo de chicas con el fin de cortejarlas y llevando consigo a el espadachín