Shower Time
Shower Time By Luther Aly was a hell of a lizardess. It was more than mere assertion, this was empirical observation. Well, at least the observation part was covered. She was a head-turner, that was true, and blessed in a number of ways. She...
Club Crasher
Exclaimed a rather flustered brown bat coming down the stairs from the offices above. he surveyed the damage, eyes mostly lingering on the most obvious new feature of the room, until he found rave. "dammit, not you again!"
The Isle of Kinoa - Part 7
Here's the original: here is my fa: i will be posting these up on my fa first and then here. i pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there.
The Isle of Kinoa - Part 6
Here's the original: here is my fa: i will be posting these up on my fa first and then here. i pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there.
The greatist story ever wrote
The bat grabed his computer and threw it out the window effectivley killing an evil law maker on the way to complete his master plan. the bat saved the day!!!!
Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT
Prompt: Write about a time when you were afraid and eventully got over your fears and accomplished something great. This one time i was taking a very important test and after doing very well on the multiple choice i got to the essay portion of the...
Story that got me a perfect score on the SAT
Prompt: Write about a time when you were afraid and eventully got over your fears and accomplished something great. This one time i was taking a very important test and after doing very well on the multiple choice i got to the essay portion of the...
Joining the Club
**Joining the Club** **By Luther** Jerry was a snow leopard of not terribly unusual build, normal whitish-grey coloration and spots, one tail and four paws and all that. However, Jerry had a bit of a problem. Okay maybe it wasn't a 'bit', it was a...
When Master's Away
When master's away by snow the bat ~~~ _author's note_ _a short story i wrote from the scattered logs of an rp that inspired me to get back into writing the sweet smuts, so i guess you could say 'based on a true story' in a way.
The Isle of Kinoa - Part 5
Here's the original: here is my fa: i will be posting these up on my fa first and then here. i pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there.
The Isle of Kinoa - Part 4
Here's the original: here is my fa: i will be posting these up on my fa first and then here. i pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there.
The Isle of Kinoa - Part 3
Here's the original: here is my fa: i will be posting these up on my fa first and then here. i pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there.