There Is No Football Team at Vixen's Run High School Part 1
Tony was straight, athletic, and the product of a nuclear family; li was from a broken home and a single mother, with a reputation for being a bisexual slut.
Kinktober Day Fifteen: Human Furniture
The dinosaurs instantly reformed the shape that they'd had before, some bending onto all fours, and others standing straight back to back.
Wild Pair - In Deep
"sit straight and spread 'em. you're in no position to be modest.", ferkot said humourlessly. "hairy bitch.", he added with some distaste.
After work rendezvous...
To know what the smaller male was doing, shaming the straight stallion with his natural involuntary reaction. ricky was an old pro at convincing straight males, that they weren't so straight after all.
Finding a stud...
Tara chuckled, as she and jerome loved opening straight males minds to the pleasures of male on male sexual encounters. the big straight bovines eyes bulged out of his head, as that finger tip wiggled up inside of him.
Straight date 2
#2 of straight dates that wicked goat has found another straight boy to break in... how does he do it? ## ## straight date two ## ## _shy straight virgin wants to be raped, and taken advantage of by a bigger male.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 17-Camaro Vs Mustang
They started down a short straight before navigating another speedway style curve and heading for the last turn before road america's longest straight.
Coach Goat
Keeping that long flexible shaft from bending and bowing as he slowly crammed it into the straight elk boi's butt!
Truth Or Dare - Chapter Two
Zina chimed in, "we want to keep this interesting" "bo, who was your first straight crush?" "straight crush?" zina asked.
Turning a gay man straight.
''hmhmhm.....come on, baby, just admit that you're straight.'' she teased. ''\*grunts\*.....never!!'' kate got a even more evil grin on her face. ''very well, you leave me no choice.''
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 28-Heavyweight Championship
It was a very short straight before the first turn off the full circuit, i'd say about a hundred feet or so.
After Workout Routine
The doctor is in, and i've got just what you need straight boy. you are straight aren't you?" "yeah..."