Mixed Loyalty
#19 of hockey hunk season 6 ** ** ** ** **mixed loyalty** ** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** hello, folks, and welcome to the hockey hunk!
Mixed Feelings
Her pulled back from her, their mixed juices dribbling from her pussy and staining the hotel's bed. he moved her to lay next to him, her eyes opened as she smiled weakly. he leaned towards her, she leaned towards him.
A Mixed Message
You can see it plain as day on his face he seems to mentally struggle with the task, a mix of shame, confusion, and desire still there.
A Mixed Signal
He drank of her right there against the tree, and she came for him, fluids mixing in cloth saturated bliss. how much did he mean to take she wondered, fingers tingling both absence and sudden instinct.
In Kerry's Mix
#4 of in the mix continuing the series for fa: basilsanguine it's been about a week since the first three stories, and clover's still an 8 foot amazon of a fem-bull, and it's his first night off shift since he started as a server in the bar.
It's All in the Mix
Alps cried out again as the new warm liquid mixed with the previous fluids that were already cooling down.
The mix up
Garret leaned back in the booth, him and his son, Cody, both trying to decide what they should order for the boy's birthday. Cody was turning 8, so his father figured he'd take him out to their favorite place to eat, the Cub Cafe. Though, he did wish...
The Mixing of Blood
Every drop he spilled made it surer and surer that he would mix with her blood and her kind against her will.
Dancing with the Princess - Mixed Boxing - Kari V You - Fixed
Yet, in spite of the glimpses of her toned, taut, chiseled frame that you caught as you examined the goods while she took orders and hustled well-mixed drinks and greasy food out, her demeanor told the whole story. the way she carried herself.
Chapter 1
Stop! Stop this....please! don't do this....I beg you...please... I jostled awake and struggled to open my eyes. Even with my eyes close, I can feel the sun rays threatening to sear my eyeballs. Wrestling with the sheets, I got up and sat on my...
The Voice
The Voice As I spend these nights pondering, staring into the dull screen. The glow of some scientific description, made into light. As I send my thoughts wandering, glaring into the full darkness. The sorrows of some terrific asphyxiation,...
**Category: Cartoons » Loonatics Unleashed** **Author: Kiko E. Coyona** **Language: English, Rating: Rated: M** **Genre: Romance/Suspense** Jan. 31, 2013 **A/N: If you haven't read the fanfic Kiko stop. Go back and read it for this fanfic will...