The Shapeshifter
It came tantalizingly close, its tip gently brushing up against his rump insistently, elliot too lust-crazed to slow enough to penetrate without stabbing blindly.
You do have a heart
Cassandra arched her back again and let out another lust crazed howl as she reached her peak, humping furiously into eric's paw as she soaked it with a torrent of her juices.
Locked in tight
She let out a lust crazed howl as he knotted her for the fourth time that night and spilled the last of his remaining seed into her well used cunt.
Wage Slave
His words roll over me, searing my lust crazed brain like the fire at the end of his cigar. i writhe like a wild animal. my teeth chatter in my head. i can't speak. except to say "master." he's rock hard, but you'd never know it.
Breaking In the New Catch
Looking into his brother's lust-crazed eyes, he saw a glint deep within their blazing surface, one of utter satisfaction at being able to fuck as hard as he wanted without causing permanent damage and to have such a participant made willing to their every
The Seeker, Chapter 18
There was nothing tender or human remaining now, their coupling was that of two lust crazed animals, brutal and feral, and all the better for it as it was what they both needed. the human had been satisfied, now it was the beasts turn.
Trussed Up And Blindfolded
The wolf flexed his chest and puffed it out, seeking more of the pleasurable sensations like a lust-crazed animal.
Matching donations (Plege Drive, Part 3)
"no -- please," she begged the lust-crazed canine. "anything but --" when he didn't seem to respond to words she struggled to free herself. pushed at him hard.
Draconic Delights
"be still, you lust crazed beast!" he pushed the drake's licking snout away. "no," he growled playfully, catching a quick taste of suel's crotch. "you owe me that favor." suel gasped. the following lick came too close to his knot.
Incomplete Data
Like a lust crazed breeding stallion, he threw himself on her from behind, and she squealed in surprise, sounding more like a mare than from her amateurish attempts at whinnying. -----------------------------------------------------------------
Parental Consent [ Commission ]
Keating pushed his hips forward for a third time, and for the third time, a new sensation joined in to torture jane's lust-crazed body. this time she felt not one but two fingertips pressing at her clenched tailhole, one massive and one slender.
The Boy and Dragon Meet
His lust crazed mind began thinking it was brian sucking his thick dragonhood, and that it was brian's cock he was suckling on. draco gave one large suck on his dragonhood and he would have roared as he came.