The Clarity In Desire

"can you... reverse time so i can stop that mess at school from happening? or, erase lilac's memory of it at least?" "i... erm. well, technically yes. but let's just say no. what about something else?" ken gave a defeated shrug.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 3

You sigh and tell her that you know getting back to a place won't reverse time, you just miss the simple times. disarria says she understands and has no issue with your sentiment, but that sometimes you just have to accept the cards you're dealt.

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 1: Preperations

I just sigh inwardly, wondering if he could have possibly used his power of 'time shift' to speed up time, just like he reversed time with the can of corn.

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Deviant Delights #10 - Weighted Decisions

While i can't reverse time and change the past completely, i can make it as if i had in your mind. though you'll always know the truth, and those other memories are only there to help you know how to keep that sexy body of yours in shape." "i also...

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When You Fight for Your Dreams: Chapter 5: Answers...

"t-thanks michael.....i just....i just wish i could reverse time....." tony replied. both tigers started walking back towards the elevators where they first came from, while aquin followed behind them with a very calm look on his face.

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Science and religion 7

That moment where things are reversed. time slows as my grip on sumieri's ball loosens, and i let it fall. a stray beam of light from the roof lighting catches it, shining in a red tint into my eye as the halves split along the separation.

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The white cat and his jackal mentor

More specifically, the spell could reverse time to an extend, undo damage, remove timebound curses, or at least those were what the descriptions promised.

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Chapter 18 Regret

"role reversal time. shut up and get your pants off." "what about locking the...?"

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When You Fight for Your Dreams: Chapter 7: Secret Thoughts....

"well we can't reverse time......and we also can't let marco get the best of us. you know as well as i know that he thrives off of other people suffering, and we both need to stop that, you hear me?" "'re right."

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 5

Zerrex allowed her to have it on a random hunch, and the princess had first been pleased... then infuriated when she'd set it back together with her strange ability to reverse time around objects, but it had only remained a bronze-colored, ugly scepter

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The Game v2.0 - Round 9

The only way to do that would be to reverse time, give everyone concussions to induce amnesia so they don't remember having gone down that road before and then perform plastic surgery on them so that they look exactly the same as they did."

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First Date Disaster

Soon enough, he finds out the watch has the power to reverse time, and he abuses it. but only when he's with jean. i guess ron had some integrity after all. ron is the lion, just letting you know.

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