Pen, love and Pokemon - Prologue
#1 of pen, love and pokemon pen, love and pokemon prologue **this is the prologue to the first long story i ever wrote.
The Breeding Pens: Fertile Females
It was good to be a breeding stud in the pens.
New Friends in the Breeding Pens
The breeding pens are a place of pleasure and where lusts find lush fruit from fertile seed.
Bear in a Box
This was originally supposed to be for the iron pen competition for fm 2016, but i was a tad late on finishing this before the deadline. still, i decided to finish it up and quickly go over it so i can share it with you guys. yes, this was a challenge.
Dragon Ranch: Escape from Pen 15
Kyle had then told ethan about being trapped in nixi's pen, including the details of her knocking over the bucket, her trapping him in the pen, but obviously leaving out the sex....
Pen, love and Pokemon - Chapter 3: Awakening
#4 of pen, love and pokemon **pen, love and pokemon** **awakening** _screams. the sreams of his friend. it was filling his ears, paralyzing him. but he couldn't move, because he was in pain.
Undercover Dragon
Kieva murmured happily to himself as he ducked through the doorway leading to a small hotel room. It was a space not quite up to the usual fare that he and his hockey teammates were usually holed up in whenever they were playing out of state, but more...
Broken Toys Part 5
Broken Toys Part 5 "This is outside my usual purview," said Salvatore as he looked up at the decrepit parking garage. The razorback beside him slowly looked up at the building then looked back to the strange stallion. The horse had been a windfall...
Broken Toys Part 4
He slipped the tablet and pen back into his cargo pockets as he looked up. "sorry for the third degree. trainee's get graded on everything and i want to make a good impression on officer swaine." "no problem.
The Summoning
Gwen looked up though the dusty window of the abandoned warehouse at the blood red full moon then down at her watch. Two minutes to midnight. That left precious little time for her to act as she glanced over the gigantic chalk rune circle she had drawn...
Broken Toys Part 3
"Broken Toys Part 3" Salvatore lay on his belly, with his long black furred body draped over the largest couch in Frost's apartment. His eyes were closed and his head rested on his arms as he let out a low grunt. A second or two later the big horse...
Broken Toys Part 2
"Broken Toys Part 2" Charles Witherspoon slowly walked up the steps of his house holding a box full of various odds and ins as a hand reached into his pocket for his keys. The grizzled and graying haired human slowly opened his door and stepped into...