A Firefighter to the rescue — 02 — The Aura sight ( Reforged )
" there is something standing on them, but you can only read them with your aura sight. " " my.... aura sight ? what is that now ?" " we will show you what it is. " said his mother, who came into the room. " really ? what should i do ?"
Chapter 16: Strife, The Dark Angel
But then, the ground rumbled violently as strife blasted out of the ground and stared at the twins in heated anger; the red aura swirled around him. he'd had enough of these two and raised his power to seventy-five percent.
Ramblings of a teenage demon
I first saw two m.p.a. scouts, their job was to find the target by means of its aura density, the denser the aura the more spiritually connected the being.
Welcome Home
aura's eyes shot down to her heaving breast.
Die Nacht in Narnia 4 - Kapitel 2 - Fortsetzung von Plüsch Tiger
Der allerdings im vergleich zu aura, keine aufmerksamkeit auf sich zog. aura machte wahrlich eindruck.
Cola Fake Out
**aura:** answer me **ilbvilbv:** i..i'm okay.. **aura:** good boy **aura:** \*pats his lap\* sit **ilbvilbv:** i..i.. **aura:** sit!
chapter four love of a werewolf
Toma felt aura's paws search his body as they kissed. aura paws had made their way to toma's crotch and toma broke the kiss backing away from aura. "aura... i don't think i can do that..." aura pushed toma and made him lay on a table.
The Princess and her Tiger
When aura was ready lily laid on her back and felt aura's member prod, felt it slowly slide in. she could feel her vagina tensing and tighten around aura's member.
FPP Side Chapter: Fine Eating
"aura," replied the wolf. _"mayor_ aura, if you really want to be stuffy," she smirked. "i think just aura will do fine," mangle grinned and winked back.
chapter three we'rewolf
Toma watched aura lean in, their lips connecting for a kiss. toma's eyes went wide and pushed him away from aura. "a-aura... why... this is not right... why me?" aura pointed to his shoulder again "aura...
Slick Interview
She looked coquettishly at aura, the smile still firm on her pretty face. "what do you think, mayor aura?" "i think i'm looking at two very compelling reasons to hire you," aura teased.
How to Wake the Bear
aura pulled out her other arm and laid it across miyuki's shoulder, gently smoothing down her soft fur. aura tried to pull away enough to lay on her side, but miyuki made another noise and nuzzled her face into aura's side.