Fallen Stars: Together At Last
I could hear her start to cry. i could actually visualize her holding her hands to her face, slowly lowering herself to the ground. i got up, still having my eyes closed and walked over to the sound of her crying.
The Cry of Sodom: Book One
To donate, send donations to amethystmare@hotmail.co.uk via paypal, quoting "the cry of sodom" in your attached message.
Cry Of Fear: A New Start
"are you ok you look like your crying" she asked with a bit of concern in her voice.
The Cries He Wanted To Hear
He'd rather laugh than cry." i'm going to go check on max." he said, whether the other cared or not, and left, closing the door behind him to leave ash in his loneliness.
Far Cry From Home
What he saw was something that made him want to cry. stacy, she'd gotten out, and she'd whacked the possum over the head with a rather sturdy branch.
Poem #7: Destruction Cries
Because destruction cries, "hope has been lying." because destruction cries "the world is dying." ~bhscorch [!
Welcome to the Rabid: Cry of the Wolf
I bit back a cry as the first bit of his heat entered me slowly, and then deeply. his hard sex moved further, sliding past my prostate and then upwards, filling my cavity with so much flesh, forcing me to squeeze as tightly as i could.
Cries to the Moon: Sins of the Father
#4 of cttm **cries to the moon** **sins of the father** the move was awkwardly silent. for a pack of wolves this move was too quiet as they bounded through the forest towards ruby's destination.
Always Cry Wolf XI
PART XI Jenny stared at the red front door of Nisha's house and felt a warmth growing in her chest as footsteps sounded from within. "Hey girl, you're right on time." The lioness smiled and reached out to embrace the fox warmly. Jenny...
Capitulo 9: Cry for the moon
Capitulo 9: cry for the moon. (part 1) la vida... unos la aman, otros la desprecian, hay quienes tratan de adivinar sus secretos, intentan descubrir que hay mas allá de esta, lo cierto es que solo hay dos cosas seguras en la vida de uno.
And I cry for everything but the music
And once i got home and lied down on my cold bed, only then did i cry. i cried for almost everything. i cried for lust, i cried for being left like i had been the night before. but i never cried for the music.
Cry For Your Mother (OLD)
Maybe _after_ the fact she'd acknowledge it, once he'd suffered and cried, but not before, and on that, desmond was absolutely right.